:pancakes: Pancake main features (farms, pools, IFO, lottery, profiles)
- 4
[BUG] Sourcemaps are not generated properly
#10629 opened by simone1999 - 1
[BUG] Frontend error when creating a V3 liquidity pool on Arbitrum Sepolia
#10976 opened by softwaremarkdahl - 2
[BUG] <title>Build error occurred
#10867 opened by z-hao - 6
- 8
[BUG] Error: Cannot find module 'next/dist/compiled/next-server/'
#9450 opened by Mickey9878 - 2
[BUG] Incorrect APR and ROI calculation
#10842 opened by alexeysmovzh - 2
[BUG] Incorrect Liquidity Calculation
#10778 opened by gades - 1
- 1
[BUG] Incorrect price from API
#10894 opened by gades - 7
SmartRouter onChainProvider client Type mismatch
#9704 opened by S1nPur1ty - 6
- 2
Change address: No change to the page
#10349 opened by pangpangstudy - 7
[BUG] <title>无法启动项目
#9346 opened by IcarusRyy - 6
[BUG] WalletConnect Issue
#9673 opened by divyangkhatri - 8
[BUG] Error: Invariant failed: CHAIN_IDS
#9415 opened by khang-uit - 7
[BUG] ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND Did you mean to import "@tanstack/query-sync-storage-persister/build/lib/index.js"?
#9543 opened by Hamdan-Khan - 0
- 0
- 0
- 12
[Feature Request] Add Zeal as a supported wallet
#8727 opened by Nicvaniek - 2
- 2
- 2
[BUG] Can't add new dependencies
#10046 opened by 0xnikter - 11
[Routers] <bnb - usdt - Czusd - GEM - DGOD - CZR >
#9427 opened by JsizzlTheCnote - 1
Subgraph endpoint update required
#9975 opened by alex-pakalniskis - 2
[BUG] links on LP positions in farm list don't work
#9834 opened by Pomyk - 3
not able to run web
#9720 opened by ram13369 - 4
#9198 opened by garacil - 1
unable to run web
#9731 opened by jaxnalia - 0
- Device: - OS: Windows 10 - Browser: Chrome - Wallet:
#9596 opened by LATHU629 - 0
- 0
[BUG] <title>pnpm dev:aptos报错
#9508 opened by tianheng2017 - 3
[BUG] Pancakeswap Smart Router - Compatibility Error with Newer versions of "viem" library
#9107 opened by oviniciusfeitosa - 2
[BUG] Please bump 0xsquid/widget version to latest
#8815 opened by kaliubuntu0206 - 1
[Feature Request] Migrate viem / wagmi to v2
#8816 opened by kaliubuntu0206 - 1
- 4
[Feature Request] Enable on and off ramp for buying crypto with more payment options and currencies
#8932 opened by srameshr - 1
pnpm build
#8645 opened by yu2230440650 - 1
uikit source code is not working with storybook
#8625 opened by audi057 - 9
[BUG] BNB liquidity (v2) prioritized over CZUSD liquidity (v2), even with very high slippage
#8443 opened by PlasticDigits - 14
- 2
Build issue with pnpm dev
#8437 opened by Jeanclaudech98 - 5
[BUG] web:dev: Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module 'projects/pancake-frontend/apps/web/node_modules/@pancakeswap/next-config/dist/withWebSecurityHeaders' imported from /Users/user/Desktop/projects/pancake-frontend/apps/web/next.config.mjs>
#8154 opened by rahulcs1988 - 2
Build issue
#7991 opened by albin1212 - 1
- 1
[BUG] <How to remove V3>
#8163 opened by rahulcs1988 - 1
Expecting Pancake Swap on Mind Smart Chain
#8043 opened by nnlgsakib - 1
Swap sdk ChainId breaking change
#7989 opened by 0xjojoex - 0
Change the capitalization or case of text in readme
#7881 opened by PaladinDotEth - 4
[BUG] @pancakeswap/smart-router module unsupport esmodule
#7860 opened by yvvw