
Run a python3+libigl application in a Docker container [vnc-gui]

Primary LanguageShell


A docker image for libigl+python3 applications.


This docker image has libigl+python3 binding installed. The project libigl https://github.com/libigl/libigl was compiled using the default flags for ubuntu with nanogui.


This docker is based on gilureta\opengl, a fork of https://github.com/thewtex/docker-opengl. From the original repo, "The session runs Openbox as a non-root user, user that has password-less sudo privileges. The browser view is an HTML5 viewer that talks over websockets to a VNC Server. The VNC Server displays a running Xdummy session."

Quick Start

Note: If you use docker-machine you need to modify ./run_tutorials.sh to use the commented line instead. Most recent installations of docker don't need docker-machine.

Running ./run_tutorials.sh will start the image on libigl python folder. From there run the following to test the first tutorial (no ui)

PYTHONPATH=. python tutorials/001_BasicTypes.py

To run a tutorial with ui, run the following and open http://localhost:6081/ on your browser

PYTHONPATH=. python tutorials/102_DrawMesh.py

The libigl bindings have been installed on the system python, on your scripr you only need to use

import pyigl as igl
# to use the helper functions simply call


This configuration was forked from https://github.com/thewtex/docker-opengl.