
LCD script using I2C based on PCF8574

Primary LanguagePython


LCD script using I2C based on PCF8574

       LCD script using I2C based on PCF8574.
       Supports 16x2 and 20x4 screens.

Author : based on Matt's Hawkins work Date : 20/09/2015# http://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/

Cubieboard version : Blazej Biernat https://systemembedded.eu

The wiring for the LCD is as follows:

       1 : GND
       2 : 5V
       3 : Contrast (0-5V)*
       4 : RS (Register Select)
       5 : R/W (Read Write)       - GROUND THIS PIN
       6 : Enable or Strobe
       7 : Data Bit 0             - NOT USED
       8 : Data Bit 1             - NOT USED
       9 : Data Bit 2             - NOT USED
       10: Data Bit 3             - NOT USED
       11: Data Bit 4
       12: Data Bit 5
       13: Data Bit 6
       14: Data Bit 7
       15: LCD Backlight +5V**
       16: LCD Backlight GND