
Simple time manager and activity tracking tool

Primary LanguageC++

Timedevel application


Timedevel is a small task/time manager and user activity tracker. The main funcion is to capture active window and add this app to some group who represent a task. This project is made primarily for training and educational reasons.

Right now application offers the following features:

  • Capturing information about the active program/window, and log time spent on task.
  • Adding, removing, renaming, adding to groups, reparenting tasks.

In future I plan to add the following features:

  • Filtering tasks with regular expression
  • Add support for the database to hold data
  • Add the CLI and Web user interfaces
  • Currently application works only on Linux/X11, so support for other operating systems and devices (where Qt works) is planned.


Actually timedevel has no simple instalator/package. To try it You need to download source code and compile by yourself.

Downloading timedevel

You can download source code directly from git respository:


by clonign it:

$ git clone http://github.com/pancurster/timedevel.git


To build application You need following libraries:

.. _Qt Library: http://www.qt.nokia.com/products/
.. _Qxt Library: http://www.dev.libqxt.org/libqxt/wiki/Home
.. _Boost Library: http://www.boost.org/

You need also X11 system headers

If u have everythig just type:

$ qmake
$ make


$ ./timedevel

If you are lucky program will start :)


In case you have any questions or would like to make feature request, you can contact me through email

Lukasz Panek (pancurster@gmail.com)

or by filing issues at github project pages.