
This is the source code for https://poap.directory, a directory to browse and discover P.O.A.P. projects, tools, and resources.

Primary LanguageHTML


This is the repo for https://poap.directory, a directory to browse and discover POAP projects, tools, and resources.

Local Development

  1. Clone the repo (or fork the repo to your account)
  2. Install dependencies: bundle install
  3. Create a feature branch off of the dev branch
  4. Start the local server: bundle exec jekyll serve
  5. Go to http://localhost:4400/ to view changes

To build the site use bundle exec jekyll build.


Windows specific: "bundle add webrick" might be required. Also: git config --global core.autocrlf false to prevent CRLF changes

The following changes might also be required for the Gemfile:

#platforms :mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin, :jruby do gem "tzinfo", "~> 1.2" gem "tzinfo-data" #end

#gem "wdm", "~> 0.1.1", :platforms => [:mingw, :x64_mingw, :mswin] gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?


  • Use POAP inc., not POAP Inc.
  • Indents are 2 spaces (not tabs)
  • 2 lines between frontmatter and content

Adding a new integration

  1. Go to _data/integrations.yml and add an entry using the following template:

    - id:
      img: /assets/img/integrations/
    key description
    id The product id; use the product title, lowercased, dashes instead of spaces
    title Product name
    img Logo of the product; place in /assets/img/integrations/ (use an SVG if possible)
  2. Create a new integration page under the /integrations/ folder. For example, if adding Google Drive as an integration, create a /resources/google-drive.md file.

  3. Within the file, add the following contents:

    layout: resource
    title: [integration] Resources
    permalink: /en/resources/[integration]
  4. Replace [integration] with the integration name. For a Google Drive integration, the result would be:

    layout: resource
    title: Google Drive Resources
    permalink: /en/resources/google-drive

Adding an integration to a resource

In the _data/resource.yml file add the integrations to the integrations: parameter for the relevant resource entry. The integrations are comma-delimited and referenced using the integration id from the integration's entry in the _data/integrations.yml file.

Using the Google Drive example above, a resource's integration entry would look like the following:

integrations: google-drive

Adding a resource

Go to _data/resource.yml and add an entry using the following template:

- id:
  # contact:
key description
id The resource ID; Do not change this
link The resource link
title The resource title
official (true/false) true = Official POAP resource, false = Community/third party
new (optional) true = Adds the "new" tag to the card; Only use when added then remove in next iteration
featured (optional) true = Adds the resource to the "featured" section
hide_on_all (true/false) true = Don't show under all resources, false = Show under all resources
desc_short Short description; <120 characters
desc_long (optional) Longer description; Will be shown instead of the short description in certain areas
creator Who is the person/organization developing this resource? (POAP inc. if it's an official resource)
pricing The pricing model; Options: free, freemium, paid
contact Point of contact for the resource (won't be displayed on the website); leave it commented out
categories (Select up to 3 that apply) access, admin, app, art, collector, design, dev, distribution, explore, guide, info, metrics, play, social, voting
integrations A comma-delimited list of relevant integration ids from _data/integrations.yml
github (optional) Github repo
docs (optional) Resource's guide or documentation
discord (optional) Project's Discord invite link (make sure it doesn't expire and isn't limited)
twitter (optional) Project's Twitter profile
telegram (optional) Project's Telegram invite
medium (optional) Project's Medium blog
youtube (optional) Project's Youtube channel
linkedin (optional) Project's Linkedin page
forum (optional) Project's forum link

Note: Entries appear on the website in the order listed in this file. If it's a less important resource then add it further down the list. If it's more important then insert it higher up.

Adding a resource category

  1. To create a new category, update the list of options here (in the above table) and at the top of the _data/resources.yml file, inserted in alphabetical order. Keep the category naming as descriptive yet broadly applicable as possible.
  2. Create a new category page under the /resources/ folder. For example, if creating a category "sports", create a /resources/sports.md file.
  3. Within the file, add the following contents:
    layout: resource
    title: [category] Resources
    permalink: /en/resources/[category]
  4. Replace [category] with the category name. For a "sports" category, the result would be:
    layout: resource
    title: Sports Resources
    permalink: /en/resources/sports