
  • Python 3 >= 3.6
  • Pytorch >= 1.6.0
  • OpenCV >= 4.4.0
  • Scipy >= 1.4.1
  • NumPy >= 1.19.5

Data Preparation

Take FF++ as an example:
  1. Download the dataset from FF++ and put them under the ./data.
└── data
    └── FaceForensics++
        ├── original_sequences
        │   └── youtube
        │       └── raw
        │           └── videos
        │               └── *.mp4
        ├── manipulated_sequences
        │   ├── Deepfakes
        │       └── raw
        │           └── videos
        │               └── *.mp4
        │   ├── Face2Face
        │		...
        │   ├── FaceSwap
        │		...
        │   ├── NeuralTextures
        │		...
        │   ├── FaceShifter
        │		...
  1. Download the landmark detector from here and put it in the folder ./lib.

  2. Run the code to extract frames from FF++ videos and save them under the ./train_images or ./test_images based on the division in the original dataset.

     python lib/

Pretrained weights

You can download pretrained weights here.


To evaluate the model performance, please run:

python   --cfg ./configs/caddm_test.cfg


Our model achieved the following performance on:

Training Data Backbone FF++ Celeb-DF DFDC
FF++ ResNet-34 99.70% 91.15% 71.49%
FF++ EfficientNet-b3 99.78% 93.08% 73.34%
FF++ EfficientNet-b4 99.79% 93.88% 73.85%

Note: the metric is video-level AUC.


To train our model from scratch, please run :

python --cfg ./configs/caddm_train.cfg