Build a ML app

Publish docs via GitHub Pages


conda create --name buildamlapp python=3.8
conda activate buildamlapp
pip install mkdocs-material
mkdocs new .

Add the following lines in mkdocs.yml,

  name: material

Add this following lines in settings.json,

  "yaml.schemas": {
    "": "mkdocs.yml"
mkdocs serve
mkdocs build
conda deactivate

If a new code is push to main or master CI pipeline (.github/workflows/ci.yml) will deploy this in GitHub pages. If you want to deploy site manually,

mkdocs gh-deploy --force

will deploy the latest changes from any branch to GitHub pages.

After the initial project is generated, the project folder will be as follows,

├── docs
│   └──
├── mkdocs.yml
├── requirements.txt
└── site
    ├── 404.html
    ├── assets
    ├── index.html
    ├── search
    ├── sitemap.xml
    └── sitemap.xml.gz

Use the follow command to rebase with a target branch (master in this case),

git rebase origin/master