
Useful postgreSQL docker template

MIT LicenseMIT

Useful postgreSQL docker template


  • docker >= 23.0.5
  • docker-compose

Quick Start

  • Clone or download this repository
  • Go inside of directory, cd postgre-docker-template
  • Run this command docker-compose up -d
  • Run this command for local development docker compose -f 'docker-compose-local.yml' up

Useful pages

Secrets settings

Only for local development! You should specify secrets for services in the secret folder. Please note that the secrets are stored as files.

For developers

The following has been changed in the config file:

  • shared_buffers: Increase the shared memory buffer to accommodate more data in memory.

  • effective_cache_size: Increase the cache size to improve the planner's decisions.

  • work_mem: Increase the working memory to allow for more complex query operations.

  • maintenance_work_mem: Increase the maintenance memory to speed up vacuum and index creation operations.

  • max_connections: Adjust the maximum allowed connections based on your application's needs.

  • checkpoint_completion_target: Increase the checkpoint completion target to spread checkpoint I/O over a longer period.