
📺 | Share data between Vim instances

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Vim Sockets 📺🌎

The best way of sharing data between Vim instances is through pipes.
This is what this library does... Nothing more.


  1. Copy the folder lua/deps/vim-sockets to your project's dependencies folder
  2. Change the imports (Lua doesn't support relative imports)
  3. And require it
local VimSockets = require 'vim-sockets'

How I implemented relative imports
ScriptPath = debug.getinfo(1, 'S').source:sub(2)
package.path = package.path .. ';' .. ScriptPath:match '(.*)/.*/' .. '/deps/?.lua'

ScriptPath is lua/vplugin/init.lua,
:match turns it into lua.

Setting up

---@class VimSockets
---@field socket    string
---@field dep_path  string
---@field sockets   string[]
---@field receivers table<string, fun(props: ReceiverProps)>

---@param dep_path    string # package.loaded...
---@param vim_events? boolean
function VimSockets:setup(dep_path, vim_events) end
  • dep_path is the path to access itself in the loaded vim plugin

  • vim_events create or not :PrintLogs and :PrintSockets

    By default the event VimLeavePre is setted with :unregister_self().


  • :on(event: string, fn: fun(props: ReceiverProps))

    Sets a callback for when the said event is received.

  • :emit(event: string, data: any)

    Emit the said event passing the said data to all the other instances.

  • :emit_to(socket: string, event: string: data: any)

    Emit the said event with the said data to the said socket.

  • :unregister_self()

    Unregister/disable/disconnect the current instance.


---@class ReceiverProps
---@field event   string
---@field emitter string
---@field data    any