
My final project for the Launchbase course from Rocketseat

Primary LanguageHTML

Node Nunjucks CSS JS Express


🇺🇸 GREEN HAM AND EGGS COOKBOOK is a project developed in nodeJS, express, Vanilla js and CSS. It's a recipe website with a store to sells Dr Seuss kitchen related products. The goal is to show the knowledge and skills learned in the Launchbase bootcamp from Rocketseat.


🇺🇸 This project was developed with the following technologies:



  • Dynamic pages and content powered by Nunjucks.
  • Database powered by Postgresql.
  • Being able to add new recipes, update and delete them.
  • Search recipes.
  • Pagination.
  • Upload images to database using Multer.
  • Image Gallery with Lightbox feature.
  • Complete login system, with administrators and regular users.
  • Routes with Validators.
  • Nodemailer to reset and recover passwords.
  • Users, Recipes and Images seeds available thanks to Faker.js.
  • Feedback animations powered by Lottie.
  • Store and cart functionalities.
  • Invoice and orders details pages for users.

How to use

Start the Application

You need the following tools installed in order to run this project: Git, Node.js + NPM, PostgreSQL, and Postbird. Clone the project in your computer and execute these commands:

Set up the database

psql -U <username> -c "CREATE DATABASE hamandeggs"
psql -U <username> -d hamandeggs -f hamandeggs.sql

You can manually import the hamandeggs.sql to Postbird or use the code in database.sql, remember to create a new database with the name hamandeggs.

You have to alter the db.js, located in src/config to match your PostgreSQL settings.    
You also have to alter the mailer.js, located in src/lib to match your Mailtrap settings.  

Populate it with Faker.js

Some examples of the layout

You can find more images examples of the layout inside the "UI design" folder.

Developed on Launchbase from RocketSeat 🚀.