
Provides Twilio Flex agents the ability to handle multiple concurrent inbound calls by parking (place on hold) an existing call and answering another.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flex Transfer Park Plugin (v1.0.0)

Provides agent the ability to handle multiple concurrent calls by parking (AKA place on hold) an existing call and answering another

Status: POC working with flex-ui v1.14.1

See Flex Changes section before mixing with other plugins

How It Works

  • When an agent parks a call, Flex Action TransferTask is invoked to put the caller back into the queue
    • A single task will have multiple reservations
    • Parked customers are placed on hold as conference participants
  • Worker's Task Channel capacity for voice must be greater than 1
  • TaskRouter Workflow requires a high Task Reservation Timeout value so that the parked call reservation can wait longer. This may impact reporting metric and customer experience.


#1: Agent wants to accept and park Customer1

  1. Agent accepts incoming call from Customer1
  2. Agent wants to park call, and clicks park button on ParticipantCanvas
  3. Action TransferTask invoked to initiate cold transfer, with new attributes:
    • workerParked = true
    • targetWorkerContactUri = <current worker contact uri>
  4. TaskRouter Workflow's has a dedicated primary filter that detects the parked task and preserves it for the worker (workerParked == true), and uses a single Routing Step.

#2: Agent speaking with Customer1, when Customer2 calls

  1. Agent is currently on a call with Customer1, when an inbound task is received for Customer2
  2. Agent accepts Customer2 call
  3. Browser window.confirm() asks worker if they are OK putting Customer1 on hold
  4. Customer1 is parked via method described above in Scenario1
  5. Customer2 call is answered

#3: Agent wants to park Customer2 and speak with Customer1

  • Method A) Identical to Scenario #2
  • Method B) Agent can park Customer2 first, then accept Customer1 task

Flex Changes

The following changes to default Flex behavior//UI may not play well together when combined with multiple plugins (e.g. there can only be one AcceptTask Action, but multiple plugins may attempt to change it)

Default Behavior

  1. Replaced Action AcceptTask to check if worker is already on a call
  2. Added listener afterTransferTask invokes Action CompleteTask to auto-complete reservation on parked call


  1. new CallTaskChannel definition transferParkChannel renders parked calls in task list
  2. new TransferParkButton added to inbound task ParticipantCanvas and TaskListButtons

How to Setup

  1. Update TaskRouter Workflow (see samples/TaskRouter_Workflow.json)
  2. Run this plugin (instructions below)
  3. Make test calls!

Remaining Action Items


  • TR: update workflow logic to prevent worker from receiveing >channelMax-1 tasks (padding for transfer)
  • UI: update to use latest flex-ui version
  • UI: fix channel definition for 'transfered' calls. It's showing a group of ppl and not incomingPhone
  • UI: replace window.confirm() with styled lightbox (TransferParkPlugin.js)
  • UI: refactor logic for retrieving activeTask (TransferParkPlugin.js)
  • UX: error handling on transfer failure
  • UX: when completing taskA, how to prevent the twilio client disconnect dingdong notification?

Needs Additional Design+Review

  • Flex: Check for any recent changes to TransferTask Action to simplify worker targeting logic
  • TaskRouter
    • scenario: what happens to the call if it's not picked up again?
    • what's the best approach for handling reservation timeouts for the new task resulting in activity ==> Offline?
  • Confirm out of the box behavior not impacted
    • Transfer UI (to queue and worker)
  • Historical Reporting
    • How is the single task with multiple reservations+segments represented? Accurate?
    • Is the queue level reporting accurate across transfers?
  • Realtime Reporting
    • Confirm UI is consistent


1) CustomerB Task Received 2) Window Confirm Action 3) CustomerA Parked 4) CustomerB Parked

Twilio Flex Plugin

Twilio Flex Plugins allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of Twilio Flex. If you want to learn more about the capabilities and how to use the API, check out our Flex documentation.


Make sure you have Node.js as well as npm installed.

Afterwards, install the dependencies by running npm install:


# If you use npm
npm install


In order to develop locally, you can use the Webpack Dev Server by running:

npm start

This will automatically start up the Webpack Dev Server and open the browser for you. Your app will run on http://localhost:8080. If you want to change that you can do this by setting the PORT environment variable:

PORT=3000 npm start

When you make changes to your code, the browser window will be automatically refreshed.


Once you are happy with your plugin, you have to bundle it in order to deploy it to Twilio Flex.

Run the following command to start the bundling:

npm run build

Afterwards, you'll find in your project a build/ folder that contains a file with the name of your plugin project. For example, plugin-example.js. Take this file and upload it into the Assets part of your Twilio Runtime.

Note: Common packages like React, ReactDOM, Redux and ReactRedux are not bundled with the build because they are treated as external dependencies so the plugin will depend on Flex to provide them globally.