
A Template To Create A Screen With RecyclerView

Primary LanguageFreeMarker


Now, no need to waste your time to create all those essential classes/files for a RecyclerView. Here is the template which will take care of all those things... And Yes With the Predefined Code Too...

A Template To Create A Screen With RecyclerView


  1. Download or clone this repo

  1. Rename the downloaded folder to RVKit and copy the complete folder.

Paste the selected files into your Android Studio Location

Navigate to Plugins - android - lib - templates - other - paste the downloaded RVKit folder


It is easy and pretty straight forward

  • Open your project in Android Studio.
  • Right click on your project root package.
  • Navigate to New - Activity - RVKit

Yeah! Cool! Now Template wizard is up, You can change name as you like.

Future Work

To Make Model Classes More Dynamic As Per The Requirement


Pull requests and contributions are most welcome.

Credits and References

