Visualizer Kit for social media and video editing
This is to be built using pyinstaller or run on it's own.
- FFmpeg
pip install ffmpeg-python librosa matplotlib numpy pydub pysimplegui pyinstaller
This is the number of bars the frequency spectrum is broken up into for visualization. 80 is the default.
This is whether the bars should be arranged in Polar coordinates. Very cool to look at if true!
This affects the height of the bars if polar is false.
The color of the bars.
This is if you want to give the bars an outline. if you set this to "", then it will match the bar_color
Default of 10000, might want to change for speech.
Path to a background image. "" means that it will try to use a color.
Background color. "" is a valid entry, it will default to a blank white background.
This is the location and name of your audio file. mp3 or wav works here!
FPS for video rendering! 30 is the default.
This field isn't actually used in the code, but just lets a user know what we can try to render to.
Insert an option here from resolutionOptions to get some preset export formats.