
Analyze Twitter data associated with the #MeToo movement.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

#MeToo Twitter database network analysis tools.

Implementation realized in the context of scholar project on network analysis. Database-specific implementation, meant for work on a public dataset published here by Kai Hirota, which contains pre-processed tweets collected between November 29th and December 25th, 2017 by Brett Turner (initial source here).

Results-production pipepline

To run a basic results-production pipeline, simply download a copy of the code and of the dataset, then edit the pipepline.py file to set up the constants appropriately (lines 13 to 15) and run python3 pipepline.py.

This will build graphs set, output .gexf files of the final network states for exploitation with Gephi, output visualizations of the network's evolution (including a video file if the cv2 package is installed) and finally dump to a .pickle file the graphs built and metrics computed to help characterize them and their evolution.

Organization of the implemented tools

The code is structured in classes that all aim at a specific part of the data processing, vizualisation and analysis pipepline:

  • Data processing classes:

    • MeTooDataExtractor extracts enriched data from the initial SQLite file to csv files
    • MeTooDataLoader is a backend class for the former
  • Network analysis classes:

    • MeTooGraphBuilder builds networkx.DiGraph instances based on the extracted data
    • MeTooGraphDrawer draws visual representations of the former graphs
    • MeTooGraphAnalyzer computes network-wide and user-wise statistics characterizing the former graphs


Copyright 2019 Paul Andrey

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.