This is a repository to track my progress in ECE 345 - Introduction to algorithms @ UofT. These include naive/intuitive algorithms as well as improved and fast versions of them.
- 2D Peak problem: To find a peak in an array the brute force solution takes O(n) time
- The smart approach is to use divide and conquer, which uses the following approach:
- We start at the middle and check if there is a peak
- If yes, we stop, if not, we go toward the rising edge and drop the rest
- This is done recursively and hence, the runtime complexity is O (log n)
- Asymptotic notation
- f(n) = O (g(n)) implies, f(n) < c g(n) for some c and n > n0
- f(n) = Omega (g(n)) implies, f(n) > c g(n) for some c and n > n0
- f(n) = Theta (g(n)) implies, f(n) > c g(n) and f(n) < c g(n) for some c and n > n0
- O(1) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(n^2) < O(n^3) < O(2^n) < O(n!) < O(n^n)
- To compare new expressions try taking log both sides and it usually becomes simple
- Master's Theorem: T(n) = a T(n/b) + f(n)
- T(n) = Theta(n^log_b(a)): If f(n) = O(n^log_b(a) - epsilon, where epsilon > 0
- T(n) = Theta(n^log_b(a) * log(n)): If f(n) = Theta (n^log_b(a)), where epsilon > 0
- T(n) = Theta(f(n)): If f(n) = Omega (n^log_b(a) + epsilon) AND a f(n/b) < c f(n), where epsilon > 0 and c < 1
- The sorting table for a quick summary is in Appendix 1.0
- Insertion Sort: This is like sorting cards.
- This is an in-place algorithm
- Best case complexity is in O(n): The array is sorted
- Average case complexity is in O(n^2)
- Worst case complexity is in O(n^2): The array is in descending order
- Merge sort: This is a divide and conquer algorithm similar to dividing the deck of cards into subdecks
- The implementation in class requires auxiliary space in O(n) but an in-place variant exists! [Appendix 2.0]
- Best case time complexity is in O(n*log(n))
- Avg case time complexity is in O(n*log(n))
- Worst case time is in O(n*log(n))
- Heap
- Heap is a complete binary tree: All levels are completely filled except possibly the last level and the last level has all keys as left as possible
- In a max heap the root is the largest element and nodes at a particular level have values greater than those present at larger depths.
- Parent: i, Left-child: floor(2i), Right-child: floor(2i + 1)
- Heapsort: It uses Heapify and buildheap to sort the array [Assuming Max heap]
- In heapsort, we pop the root of a max heap, add it to the end and call heapify on the new root recursively.
- Best case time complexity is in O(n*log(n))
- Avg case time complexity is in O(n*log(n)
- Worst case time complexity is in O(n*log(n))
- Heapify
- It is a top down approach
- It is called on a specific node and compares the max element with left and right child
- Then it replaces the node with max element and recursively calls itself on the child that was swapped
- Runtime complexity is in O(log(n)) for worst case
- Best case complexity is in O(1)
- Average time complexity is in O(log(n))
- It's an in-place algorithm
- Buildheap
- Build heap calls heapify from the bottom up
- It starts from the middle of the array and calls heapify on every node from len/2 to 1
- It is an in-place algorithm
- Runtime complexity is O(n)
- It looks like the complexity should be O(n*log(n)) but O(n) is a tighter bound [Appendix 3.0]
- Quicksort
- This is an in-place algorithm
- We first relocate the pivot and the comparison that triggers a swap is "less than"
- The left of pivot and right of pivot are recursively fed to quicksort and the result is merged
- Worst case time complexity is in O(n^2): Sorted array, with end element as pivot
- Best case time complexity is in O(n * log(n)): When the division is nearly equal
- Average case time complexity is in O(n*log(n)): Partially unequal division
- Randomized quicksort uses random pivot
- In a BST we have the following properties:
- The value of a node is greater than its left subtree and less than its right subtree
- The time it takes to search in a BST is log(h), where h is the height of the tree.
- Height of the tree can range between [log(n), n].
- Insertion time and deletion time are also O(h).
- For BST insert watch this:
- For BST delete watch this:
- BST Traversals are as follows:
- In-order: LNR, helps in sorting
- Pre-order: LRN
- Post-order: NLR
- To sort an array we do the following:
- Feed array in BST: O(n*h)
- BST in-order traversal: O(n)
- Total time: O(n*h)
- Non recursive implementations are more efficient
- BST's can be used to implement priority queue
- Find minimum or maximum: O(h)
- Finding successor or predecesor: O(h)
- You have two cases: Search the subtree is it exits or track back until you find a right parent or left parent respectively.
- We use AVL trees to make height in O(log(n))
- Balance factor = height of left subtree – height of right subtree
- AVL trees have a balance factor of 1, 0 or -1
- AVL uses rotations:
- Left rotation
- Right rotation
- Left-right rotation (Double rotations)
- Right-left rotation (Double rotations)
- Insertion uses atmost two rotations: Watch this to learn insertion:
- Deletion can use upto log(n) rotations: Watch this to learn deletion:
- Sorting in AVL tree takes O(n*log(n)
- BST is a form a quicksort!
- Quicksort is better than AVL sort:
- Requires less space
- No special DS required
- Has better constants
- Perfect skip lists
- Has header and sentinel nodes at the start and end respectively4
- Search time: O(log(n))
- Insertion, Deletion: Breaks stuff, need to make the skip list again!
- Randomized skip list:
- Search: O(log(n))
- Insert, delete: O(1)
- Linear time sorting requires more space
- Comparison sort takes minimun O(nlog(n)) time
- Counting sort is a stable sort: Time = O(n + k) and Space = O(n + k), k is range of numbers
- Radix sort is based on sorting LSD: Time = O(dn + dk), d is the number of digits
- Radix sort uses a stable sorting algorithm like counting sort
- Bucket sort is used when input is obtained from a uniform distribution.
- It works in O(n) time and space complexity. Bucket sort is stable if the underlying algorithm is stable.
- Review randomized selection algo at the end of lecture slides.
- On average we want Search: O(1), Insert: O(1) and Delete: O(1)
- Heuristics
- For a hash function of type k mod m, m should not be a power of 2.
- The keys and m should not have a common divisor
- m should be a prime number not too close to a power of 2 or 10
- Take a look at the multiplication method in lecture slides.
- Universal hashing is a technique where the actual hashing function has a few random components to protect against intentional performance hacking.
- Direct hashing
- We have as many bslots as the range of keys. In a 32 bit system thats 2^32 entries.
- Takes a LOT of memory, not feasible.
- However, you will never have any collisions.
- Chaining
- We add an element to the END of the linked list for elements that map to the same space.
- If keys are uniformly alloted to each slot we will have n/m keys in a slot on average.
- n is the number of keys and m is the number of slots. alpha = n/m (load factor)
- The time complexity to unsuccesfully search is then O(1 + alpha/2)
- As long as m is in O(n), time to search is constant.
- Perfect hashing
- Only works when you know all the keys beforehand, good for stuff like dictionaries, file extensions etc.
- Design a hash function that has no collisions
- The other way to implement this is using two level hash tables.
- The collisions in the first level are solved by making a new hash table for that slot.
- The initial numbetr of slots can be m = n^2, so that our probability of collision is less than 1/2\
- Open Addressing
- Linear probing: h(k) = (h'(k) + i) mod m, m distinct probe sequences
- Quadratic probing: h(k, i) = (h’(k) + c * i + d * i^2 ) mod m, m distinct probe sequences
- Both of them cause localised clustering, linear probing causes the most localization
- Localization is not desired when assigning keys and hence we use double hashing
- h(k, i) = (h 1(k) + i*h 2(k)) mod m
- Open addressing vs chaining
- Open addressing uses only m slots
- Better locality is achieved in open addressing as it avoids linked list
- Open addressing needs a good hashing function
- Open addressing sensitive to load factor. (alpha < 1)
This section is inspired from the content taught to me by Prof. Bahar Ameri from the University of Toronto, Canada.
In a graph or grid setting, we rely on certain on certain search algorithms to find a solution. Before we discuss the algorithms, we need to be familiar with the following terminologies.
- Completeness: Will the search always find a solution if a solution exists?
- Optimality: Will the search always find the least cost solution? (when actions have costs)
- Time complexity: What is the maximum number of nodes that can be expanded or generated?
- Space complexity: What is the maximum number of nodes that have to be stored in memory?
- Solution depth: Usually denoted by d.
- Maximum branching factor: Usually denoted by b.
We will first go over a bunch of uninformed search techniques:
- Explores the search tree level by level
- Place the children of the current node at the end of the Frontier
- Frontier is a queue. Always extract first element of the Frontier
- One can optimize BFS by stopping once the goal node is added to the queue
Depth-First Search:
- Frontier is a stack, always extract first element of the Frontier
- An infinite graph can break completeness of a solution
- DFS never gaurantees the most optimal solution
- Here we define m as the length of the longest path in the state space
- The time and space complexity will be represented in terms of m
Depth-Limited Search:
- Truncate the DFS search by looking only at paths of length D or less
- No nodes with path of length greater than D is placed on the Frontier
- Pro: Infinite length paths are not a problem
- Cons: Only finds a solution if a solution of depth less than or equal to D exists
Iterative-Deepening Search:
- Starting at depth limit d = 0, iteratively increase the depth limit and perform a depth limited search for each depth limit
- Stop if a solution is found, or if the depth limited search failed without cutting off any nodes because of the depth limit
- If no nodes were cut off, the search examined all nodes in the state space and found no solution, hence no solution exists
- Note that if we apply cycle checking to IDS, the space complexity is the same as BFS
Uniform-Cost Search:
- Always expand the least cost node on the Frontier
- Uses a min heap for its frontier, all costs are
$>= epsilon; > 0$ - Identical to BFS if all actions have the same cost
- All nodes with cost strictly less than C are expanded before all nodes with cost equal to C
- The first path found to a state is the cheapest path to that state
- Here we define C* as the optimum cost to the goal state
Algorithm | Completeness | Optimality | Time Complexity | Space Complexity | Resources |
BFS | Yes | Yes (Shortest solution path) | O(bd + 1) | O(bd + 1) | |
Optimized BFS | Yes | Yes (Shortest solution path) | O(bd) | O(bd) | |
DFS | No | No | O(bm) | O(b * m) | |
DLS with depth D | No (If solution has a depth > D) | No (If solution has depth < D) | O(bD) | O(b * D) | |
IDS (without cycle checking) | Yes | Yes (For length - Assuming D is incremented by 1) | O(bd) | O(b * d) | |
IDS (with cycle checking) | Yes | Yes (For length - Assuming D is incremented by 1) | O(bd) | O(bd) | |
UCS | Yes | Yes | O(bs + 1) | O(bs + 1) | Here |
In graph search algorithms we have two types of redundancy checks:
- Path checking:
- Make sure that the next node being explored is not part of the current path
- Does not increase space or time complexity of the algo
- Helps algorithms identify circular loops in the same path
- Cycle checking:
- Keep track of the all nodes previously expanded during the search using a list called the closed list.
- Adds to the space complexity
- Identifies all loops in a graph, not just the ones that stem from a single path.
- Requires O(bd) space
This section is inspired from the content taught to me by Prof. Bahar Ameri from the University of Toronto, Canada.
- Develop a domain specific heuristic function
$h(n)$ such that$h(n)$ guesses the cost of getting to a goal state from a node n -
$h(n)$ is a function only of the state of n - h must be defined so that
$h(n)$ = 0 for every goal node
There are two very important properties for heuristics in informed search:
Admissible heuristics:
- h(n) <= h*(n), where h*(n) is the actual minimal cost to reach the goal from that state
- An admissible heuristic never over-estimates the cost to reach the goal, i.e., it is optimistic.
Consistent heuristics:
$h(n1) <= cost(n1, n2) + h(n2)$ , where$cost(n1, n2)$ is the cost to go from state n1 to n2 - Monotonicity implies admissibility
- With a monotone heuristic, the first time A* expands a node n, n must be a minimum cost solution to n.state
For the informed search space, we have the following search algorithms:
Greedy Best-First Search:
- Use h(n) to rank the nodes on the Frontier
- Always expand a node with lowest h-value
- The solution returned by a greedy search can be very far from optimal
A star:
- Take into account the cost of the path as well as the heuristic
- We define
$f(n) = g(n) + h(n)$ , and always expand the node with lowest f-value on the Frontier
Iterative deepening A star:
- Like iterative deepening, but now the cutoff is the f-value rather than the depth
- At each iteration, the cutoff value is the smallest f-value of any node that exceeded the cutoff on the previous iteration.
Algorithm | Completeness | Optimality |
GBFS | No | No |
A Star | Yes | Yes (With an admisible heuristic) |
IDA Star | Yes | Yes (With an admisible heuristic) |
- Appendix 1.0
Algorithm | Worst-Case Time | Avg Case Time | Best Case Time | Space Complexity | Comments |
Insertion Sort | O(n^2) | O(n^2) | O(n) | O(1) | - |
Merge Sort | O(n * log(n)) | O(n * log(n)) | O(n * log(n)) | O(n) [Can be O(1)] | - |
Heapify | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(1) | - |
Buildheap | O(n) | O(n) | O(n) | O(1) | - |
Heapsort | O(n * log(n)) | O(n * log(n)) | O(n * log(n)) | O(1) | - |
Quicksort | O(n^2) | O(n * log(n)) | O(n * log(n)) | O(1) | Fast in practice |
BST Insert | O(n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(1) | - |
BST Delete | O(n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(1) | - |
BST Search | O(n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(1) | - |
BST Sort | O(n^2) | O(n * log(n)) | O(n * log(n)) | O(n) | - |
AVL Insert | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(1) | Tree is already formed |
AVL Delete | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(1) | Tree is already formed |
AVL Search | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | O(1) | Tree is already formed |
AVL Sort | O(n * log n) | O(n * log n) | O(n * log n) | O(n) | - |
Skip List (randomized) Search | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(log n) | O(1) | - |
Skip List (randomized) Delete /Insert | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | If search is already called |
Skip List (randomized) Min/Max | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | - |
Skip List (randomized) Successor/Predecessor | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | O(1) | - |
Counting Sort | O(n + k) | O(n + k) | O(n + k) | O(n + k) | n: number of elements, k: range of elemensts |
Radix Sort | O(dn + 10d) | O(dn + 10d) | O(dn + 10d) | O(n + 10) | [For decimal base] d: max number of digits in an elem; Using counting sort |
Bucket Sort | O(n^2) | O(n) | O(n + k) | O(n + k) | n: number of buckets, k: avg. elements in each bucket |