LLMPerf is a tool for benchmarking and validating the performance of LLMs.
Benchmarking: LLMPerf measures time to first token (TTFT), inter-token latency (ITL) and requests that take longer than 3 seconds to start returning data.
Validation: we send a simple query to the LLM and ensure the returned data is valid. In particular it checks for inter-request cross-over (request A gets the responses for request B).
Variation in input and output token lengths is a design parameter since this is intended to be representative. This is because there are some optimizations (e.g. continuous batching) that we know work better with varying input and output length.
Please see requirements.txt
for more details on dependency requirements.
This is prototype code. We are currently refactoring the code to be more extensible (including a pluggable endpoints, varying traffic load etc).
- Add Streaming changes. (sseclient)
- Make this generic for all the use cases.
python3 llmperf.py -r 20 -f runpod --max-tokens 100