
tda4 mac2mac 补丁

Primary LanguageShell

This file is used to describe the usage StartJaconto Project

startJacinto project is used to manage the Jacinto6 and Jacinto7 SDK, include Ubuntu.

  • manage different SDKs.
  • update image to SD card.
  • AUTO download and install SDK.
  • manage develop resouces(tools, patches),etc.
  • Yocto environment support.
  • Ubuntu Envrionment Support
  • etc.
    If you have any suggestions, please share, we can work together to make this tools eaiser , smart. Thanks.


Variable Name

  1. all the global variable: SJ_*
  2. all the global path : SJ_PATH_*
  3. all the internal module: SJ_PDK_* (PDK example)


---env     --------------- makerules   
---scripts ---------------
---patch   ---------------    


please configure the sdk path first

check the env_setup_jacinto.sh first. make sure the SDK path.

Start Jacinto Tools

$ source env_setup_*

#                                                                                          #
#                       Welcome to StartJacinto Tool                                 #
#                                                                                          #
please help to give your option:
 1. SDK 0800 for TDA4VM/DRA829 
    LA: ti-processor-sdk-linux-j7-evm-08_00_00_08  
    RA: ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-08_00_00_12  
 2. SDK 0703 for TDA4VM/DRA829  
    LA: ti-processor-sdk-linux-j7-evm-07_03_00_05  
    RA: ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-07_03_00_07  
plase input your selection: 1
#                                                                                          #
#                       starting Jacinto7_08_00 , Happy Debugging                          #
#                                                                                          #

run command to build the system

Print variable : make print_all print_config print_env print_variable


Simalar as SDK.

make la-*

Install the SDK

make la-install-sdk


Similar as SDK.

make ra-*

Install the PSDKRA

make ra-install-sdk


    ra-install-dependencies           : install sdk dependencies
    ra-ccs-setup-steps                : print the ccs setup steps
    ra-install-targetfs               : install the PSDKLA filesytem to PSDKRA
    ra-install-sdk                    : Install SDKs

SD card setup

    ra-sd-mk-partition-method                   : print SD card partition method.
    ra-sd-mk-partition                          : make sd card parttion
    ra-sd-install-rootfs                        : install filesystem to SD card
    ra-sd-install-auto-ti-data                  : install the auto ti data
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd                 : install images to SD card
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd-debug             : install the debug version images to SD card
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd                   : install the auto ti data
    ra-sd-linux-fs-install-sd-test-data         : --> internal using

Yocto Support

local build

build yocto use below command:

  1. la-yocto-install --> install the yocto env.
  2. la-yocto-build --> yocto build.

docker yocto support.

  • Docker setup on Ubuntu
    1. run ubuntu-docker-install --> docker install
    2. run ubuntu-docker-test --> docker testing
    3. run ubuntu-install-docker-yocto --> install docker ubuntu18 image
  • start docker
    1. run ubuntu-docker-yocto-ubuntu18-j7 --> docker ubuntu18 start.
    2. run su fredy --> password (123)
    3. run cd startJacinto
    4. run make la-yocto-install
    5. run make la-yocto-build

Gateway Demo

  1. PCAN tools setup : make ubuntu-install-pcan-tools
  2. Build the demo: make gateway-build
  3. Run the demo:

Remote Environment

You can use the TDA4 EVM board to setup a remote debug envrionment. More details, please refer to below: Hardware: USBRELAY to power-on and power-off the baord. K3-Switch Tool: boot the board with different boot mode over the DFU.


I am using the USBRELAY and tested on my envrionment. Install the driver: make ubuntu-install-usbrelay


  1. power-on the board: make ubuntu-usbrelay-start
  2. power-off the board: make ubuntu-usbrelay-close

k3 switch Tool

k3 bootswitch tools introduction

1. USB connect to Linux PC
2. main_uart connect to Linux PC
3. * j721e-evm settings  => SW8 = 1000 0000      SW9 = 0010 0000      SW3 = 0101 00 1010
4. USB replay setup:  cp k3bootswitch.conf ~/HOME/.config/
(usbrelay HURTM_1=0 HURTM_2=0 && sleep 0.5 && usbrelay HURTM_1=1 HURTM_2=1 && sleep 0.1) >/dev/null 2>&1

install sudo apt-get install dfu-util

boot in differenct mode

	sudo ./dfu-boot.sh --j721e-evm --bootmode mmc
	sudo ./dfu-boot.sh --j721e-evm --bootmode emmc
	sudo ./dfu-boot.sh --j721e-evm --bootmode ospi
	sudo ./dfu-boot.sh --j721e-evm --bootmode uart
    sudo ./dfu-boot.sh --j721e-evm --bootmode noboot

mount the sd/emmc

    sudo ./dfu-boot.sh --j721e-evm --mount 0 //eMMC
	sudo ./dfu-boot.sh --j721e-evm --mount 1 //SD


ubuntu install opencv

make ubuntu-install-opencv

Release notes

202110 1st release : 20_02_00

  1. Gateway Demo support.
  2. restructure all the variables.

202108 1st release : 20_01_00

  1. PSDKLA & PSDKRA supported.

202108 1st release : 20_00_00

  1. Yocto
    • yocto build support.
    • yocto docker env setup.
  2. env restructure.
  3. ubuntu support.

202105 1st release : 10_00_00

  • support PSDKLA 0703 and PSDKRA0703.