
Tmux Vim Zsh Setup for my development environment.

after cloning this repo

clone the theme package:

git clone ~/.tmux-themepack

You might want to install Vundle as well:

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Tmux feature

default shell

default shell is set to zsh

reloading tmux config

C-n r : reload tmux config

create pane

C-n s C-n v

move around panes

if vim is not active

One could use the same vim binding to move around

C-h C-j C-k C-l

if vim is active

using the key binding to move around:

C-n h C-n j C-n k C-n l

resize the pane

if vim is not active

C-n J C-n K C-n H C-n L

Vim feature

buffer management

:Unite buffer


show the diff for the current file:


Show current status:


:G for more commands

swap two text

press 'cxiw' on one word then press 'cxiw' or '.' on another word

Text folding

:help(za) for help

markdown (support folding)


-C -C++ -Objective-C -JavaScript -Java -TypeScript -Protobuf



type 'if' select one of the snipper and then press C-j

automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets

by plugin Raimondi/delimitMate


This could be compiled with compile script to do asynchronizely compile.


using mm to add/remove bookmark mi add/edit/remove annotation at current line mn jumpt to next bookmark mp previous bookmark ma show all bookmarks mc clear bookmarks in current buffer only mx clear bookmark in all buffers

indent guide

show indent in different color

:IdentGuidlesEnable :IdentGuidlesDisable :IdentGuidlesToggle

vim go for supporting golang

code lint

Using w0rp/ale

Install tools in the following page for specific language:

And it just works automatically.

code search

searching all c code from current working directory: :Ack --cc yourkeyword

using :ss

This is abbreviation of following command

:AsyncRun! ag --vimgrep <cword>

you may add more options to the command line, e.g., search only C file

:AsyncRun! ag --cc --vimgrep <cword>

copy to wclip

If we are working from remote ssh, wclip could transfer the content to the host clipboard.


change in the .vimrc set makeprg = ./\ $*

:make to build :cl to list errors :cc# to jump to error by number :cn and :cp to navigate forward and back


f to open or close NERDTree v to locate the current file in NERDTree

Edit following line to ignore specific file type:

let NERDTreeIgnore = ['\.o','\.d','\.a','\.swp']

enable or disable spell checking

:set spell :set nospell

zg to add the word under the cursor to wordlist zw to make the word as a wrong (bad) word z= to have a list to correct the word under cursor

always read the manual of vim

4. Operating on the Visual area				*visual-operators*

The operators that can be used are:
	~	switch case					|v_~|
	d	delete						|v_d|
	c	change (4)					|v_c|
	y	yank						|v_y|
	>	shift right (4)					|v_>|
	<	shift left (4)					|v_<|
	!	filter through external command (1)		|v_!|
	=	filter through 'equalprg' option command (1)	|v_=|
	gq	format lines to 'textwidth' length (1)		|v_gq|

The objects that can be used are:
	aw	a word (with white space)			|v_aw|
	iw	inner word					|v_iw|
	aW	a WORD (with white space)			|v_aW|
	iW	inner WORD					|v_iW|
	as	a sentence (with white space)			|v_as|
	is	inner sentence					|v_is|
	ap	a paragraph (with white space)			|v_ap|
	ip	inner paragraph					|v_ip|
	ab	a () block (with parenthesis)			|v_ab|
	ib	inner () block					|v_ib|
	aB	a {} block (with braces)			|v_aB|
	iB	inner {} block					|v_iB|
	at	a <tag> </tag> block (with tags)		|v_at|
	it	inner <tag> </tag> block			|v_it|
	a<	a <> block (with <>)				|v_a<|
	i<	inner <> block					|v_i<|
	a[	a [] block (with [])				|v_a[|
	i[	inner [] block					|v_i[|
	a"	a double quoted string (with quotes)		|v_aquote|
	i"	inner double quoted string			|v_iquote|
	a'	a single quoted string (with quotes)		|v_a'|
	i'	inner simple quoted string			|v_i'|
	a`	a string in backticks (with backticks)		|v_a`|
	i`	inner string in backticks			|v_i`|

Additionally the following commands can be used:
	:	start Ex command for highlighted lines (1)	|v_:|
	r	change (4)					|v_r|
	s	change						|v_s|
	C	change (2)(4)					|v_C|
	S	change (2)					|v_S|
	R	change (2)					|v_R|
	x	delete						|v_x|
	D	delete (3)					|v_D|
	X	delete (2)					|v_X|
	Y	yank (2)					|v_Y|
	p	put						|v_p|
	J	join (1)					|v_J|
	U	make uppercase					|v_U|
	u	make lowercase					|v_u|
	^]	find tag					|v_CTRL-]|
	I	block insert					|v_b_I|
	A	block append					|v_b_A|

(1): Always whole lines, see |:visual_example|.
(2): Whole lines when not using CTRL-V.
(3): Whole lines when not using CTRL-V, delete until the end of the line when
     using CTRL-V.
(4): When using CTRL-V operates on the block only.


using C-t for translation for the word under the cursor or for the paragraph of selection.


add file on the any directory the file path will go to the top directory:


def Settings(**kwargs):
    return {
        'flags': ['-x', 'c', '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Werror'],

view pdf in vim

The plugin "" make the vim pdf viewer.

It uses pdftotext to convert the pdf to text.

In OSX, we need to compile and install pdftotext manually:

download from:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install
sudo make install

using following command to view pdf

vim some.pdf


:Devdocs [query]

Refer to

slime for REPL

Send to a tmux pane

":"     means current window, current pane (a reasonable default)
":i"    means the ith window, current pane
":i.j"  means the ith window, jth pane
"h:i.j" means the tmux session where h is the session identifier
        (either session name or number), the ith window and the jth pane
"%i"    means i refers the pane's unique id

Refer to


Show the git information (where the line is added or removed or changed on a gutter in Vim).

shell feature

edit command line in vim

press ESC and then press v to enter vim to edit the current line