
A dark mode podcast app using iTunes Search API with offline playback and personal library persistence. Written programatically in Swift and built using Alamofire, FeedKit, AVKit, and iTunes API.

Primary LanguageSwift


A dark mode podcast app using iTunes Search API with offline playback and personal library persistence. Written programmatically in Swift and built using Alamofire, FeedKit, AVKit, and iTunes API.

LacunaPodcsts Demo

Project Status

This project is currently still in development. This latest version includes the following core features:

  • Browse podcasts using iTunes API
  • Download feature allows for Offline Playback
  • Save podcasts into Personal Library
  • Search for specific episodes using keywords
  • Floating Audio Player across all screens
  • Command Center and Lock Screen integration with cover art and playback action buttons
  • Responds to Audio Session Interruptions including phone calls and headphone connections

Tech Specific:

  • Networking requests using Alamofire
  • XML parsing with FeedKit
  • Image loading and caching with SDWebImage
  • User Library persistence with UserDefaults
  • Monitor Downloads with Notification Center



As an avid podcast listener, I wanted to build something I was familiar with as a user. Some of the more challenging aspects of this project include the audio player animations, tracking playback time (on audio player and control center simultaneously), monitoring downloads and updating UI, and converting HTML text to attributed strings.

Features to add:

  • add suggestions to 'Add Podcast' view
  • style the episode description text screen
  • adjust playback speed (1x, 1.25, 1.5...)
  • share episode or personal library with others
  • add haptics and feedback to user actions
  • cache data for faster loading and better user experience