This package several utility functions to Serverless.
This function returns the provided resource wrapped in a Ref-object. This makes specifying a Ref more convenient in the context of variable chains.
Example usages:
BUCKET: ${env:BUCKET, ref(DataBucket)}
DYNAMO_DB_TABLE: ${cf:${provider.stackName}.Table, ref(Table)}
SECRET: ${ref(Secret)}
Calculate the hash of the specified type for the specified string. Supports any hash that works with the builtin crypto module.
Example usage:
hash: ${hash(sha256, 'your-string')}
Calculate the hash of the specified type for the specified file. Supports any hash that works with the builtin crypto module. Non-existing files result in a null value, which allows chaining.
Example usage:
lastDeployedFrontend: ${filehash(sha256, public/manifest.json)}
Calculate the hash of the specified type for the specified files. Supports any hash that works with the builtin crypto module. If the glob results in an empty set, this will result in a null value, which allows chaining.
Example usage:
migrationVersion: ${globhash(sha256, migrations/*)}
Both functions take a condition that will be passed to strToBool if it's a string. If the condition check passes, the builtin file function will be invoked with the specified file and optional address. If the condition check doesn't pass, an empty object is returned or null in case an address was given.
Example usage:
- ${fileIf(${param:debug}, functions/debug.yml)}
runtime: ${fileIf(${param:experimental}, variables.yml):NEW_RUNTIME, 'python3.9'}