
Base Sixty Four encode/decode tool

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


BASE-Sixty-Four encoding / decoding tool

A simple tool for base64 encoding and decoding.

Build and Install

  1. Install golang
$ go version
go version go1.17 xxx
  1. Clone the repository from GitHub
$ git clone https://github.com/pangduckwai/basesf.git
  1. Build the executable basesf
$ cd .../basesf
$ go build
$ sudo ln -s basesf /usr/local/bin/basesf # for example


 basesf [encode | decode | version | help]
   {-i FILE | --in=FILE}
   {-o FILE | --out=FILE}
   {-b SIZE | --buffer=SIZE}
   {-v | --verbose}
  • Commands

    • encode
      • convert input into base64 encoded string
    • decode
      • convert base64 encoded string back to the original form
    • version
      • display the current version
    • help
      • display the help message
  • Options

    • -i filename | --in=filename
      • name of the input file, omitting means input from stdin
    • -o filename | --out=filename
      • name of the file to write the output to, omitting means output to stdout
    • -b size | --buffer=size
      • the buffer size used to read large inputs, automatically round down to multiple of 3 for encoding and multiple of 4 for decoding
    • -v | --verbose
      • display detail operation messages during processing if specified
  • Notes

    • When inputting from stdin interactively, type a period (.) then press at a new line indicates there is no more input



  • base64 encoding processes 3 bytes at a time and if data size is larger than buffer size, need to ensure the size of each chunk of data read is a multiple of 3. To simplify the logic, the older versions archieve this by controlling the buffer size of the reader. This version change to a more robust solution to control the actual number of bytes processed for each chunk


  • fix the problem when specified buffer size less than 16


  • change handling of trailing CR and/or LF: To ignore trailing CR/LF when reading interactively from stdin
  • allows multi-line inputs when reading interactively from stdin


  • add support of stdin as input.


  • fix decoding output to stdout.
  • fix encoding/decoding problem when buffer size smaller than the input file
  • move version and help from options to commands


  • first usable version