
building a human pangenome from the HPRCy1v2 genbank accessioned assemblies

Primary LanguageShell

build log

download and preprocessing

Get the URLs of the assemblies:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/human-pangenomics/HPP_Year1_Assemblies/main/assembly_index/Year1_assemblies_v2_genbank.index
<Year1_assemblies_v2_genbank.index grep 'chm13\|h38' | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed 's%s3://human-pangenomics/working/%https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/human-pangenomics/working/%g' >refs.urls
<Year1_assemblies_v2_genbank.index grep -v 'chm13\|h38' | awk '{ print $2; print $3 }' | sed 's%s3://human-pangenomics/working/%https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/human-pangenomics/working/%g' >samples.urls

Download them:

mkdir assemblies
cd assemblies
cat ../refs.urls ../samples.urls | parallel -j 4 'wget -q {} && echo got {}'

Add a prefix to the reference sequences:

( fastix -p 'grch38#' <(zcat GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz) >grch38.fa && samtools faidx grch38.fa ) &
( fastix -p 'chm13#' <(zcat chm13.draft_v1.1.fasta.gz) >chm13.fa && samtools faidx chm13.fa ) &

Combine them into a single reference for competitive assignment of sample contigs to chromosome bins:

cat chm13.fa grch38.fa >chm13+grch38_full.fa && samtools faidx chm13+grch38_full.fa

Remove unplaced contigs from grch38 that are (hopefully) represented in chm13:

samtools faidx chm13+grch38_full.fa $(cat chm13+grch38_full.fa.fai | cut -f 1 | grep -v _ ) >chm13+grch38.fa && samtools faidx chm13+grch38.fa

Unpack our assemblies:

ls *.gz | grep genbank | while read f; do sbatch -p lowmem -c 16 --wrap 'gunzip '$f' && samtools faidx '$(basename $f .gz); done >unpack.jobids

Manually break the only non-acrocentric misjoin:

samtools faidx HG02080.paternal.f1_assembly_v2_genbank.fa $( ( cat HG02080.paternal.f1_assembly_v2_genbank.fa.fai | cut -f 1 | grep -v HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1 ; echo HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1:0-7208112; echo HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1:7208112-12869124 ) | sort -V ) | sed s/HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1:0-7208112/HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1_a/ | sed s/HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1:7208112-12869124/HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1_b/  >HG02080.paternal.f1_assembly_v2_genbank_split.fa && samtools faidx HG02080.paternal.f1_assembly_v2_genbank_split.fa
# prevents us from using this file in partitioning
pigz HG02080.paternal.f1_assembly_v2_genbank.fa
rm HG02080.paternal.f1_assembly_v2_genbank.fa.fai

Then we'll step into the directory below with cd ...

partitioning by chromosome

Partition the assembly contigs by chromosome by mapping each assembly against the scaffolded references, and then subsetting the graph. Here we use wfmash for the mapping:

mkdir -p $dir
for hap in $(cat haps.list);
    in=assemblies/$(ls assemblies | grep $hap | grep .fa$)
    sbatch -p lowmem -c 16 --wrap "$aligner -t 16 -m -N -s 50000 -p 90 $ref $in >$out" >>partition.jobids

Collect unmapped contigs and remap them in split mode:

for hap in $(cat haps.list);
    in=assemblies/$(ls assemblies | grep $hap | grep .fa$)
    comm -23 <(cut -f 1 $in.fai | sort) <(cut -f 1 $paf | sort) >$out.txt
    if [[ $(wc -l $out.txt | cut -f 1 -d\ ) != 0 ]];
        samtools faidx $in $(tr '\n' ' ' <$out.txt) >$out.fa
        samtools faidx $out.fa
        sbatch -p lowmem -c 16 --wrap "$aligner -t 16 -m -s 50000 -p 90 $ref $out.fa >$out.split.vs.ref.paf" >>partition.jobids
    echo $hap

Collect our best mapping for each of our attempted split rescues.

ls $dir/*.unaligned.split.vs.ref.paf | while read f;
    cat $f | awk '{ print $1,$11,$0 }' | tr ' ' '\t' |  sort -n -r -k 1,2 | awk '$1 != last { print; last = $1; }'
done >$dir/rescues.paf

Subset by chromosome:

mkdir -p parts
( seq 22; echo X; echo Y; echo M ) | while read i; do awk '$6 ~ "chr'$i'$"' $(ls $dir/*.vs.ref.paf | grep -v unaligned | sort; echo $dir/rescues.paf) | cut -f 1 | sort >parts/chr$i.contigs; done
( seq 22; echo X; echo Y; echo M ) | while read i; do sbatch -p lowmem -c 16 --wrap './collect.sh '$i' >parts/chr'$i'.pan.fa && samtools faidx parts/chr'$i'.pan.fa' ; done >parts.jobids
# make a combined X+Y
cat parts/chrX.pan.fa parts/chrY.pan.fa >parts/chrS.pan.fa && samtools faidx parts/chrS.pan.fa
# make a combined acrocentric input
cat parts/chr{13,14,15,21,22}.pan.fa >parts/chrA.pan.fa && samtools faidx parts/chrA.pan.fa

This results in chromosome-specific FASTAs in parts/chr*.pan.fa.

graph building

We now apply pggb:

( echo 1 16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 Y | tr ' ' '\n') \
    | while read i; do sbatch -p workers -c 48 --wrap 'hostname; cd /scratch &&
        -i /lizardfs/erikg/HPRC/year1v2genbank/parts/chr'$i'.pan.fa -o chr'$i'.pan
        -t 48 -p 98 -s 100000 -n 90 -k 311 -O 0.03 -T 48
        -U -v -L -V chm13:#,grch38:# -Z ; mv /scratch/chr'$i'.pan '$(pwd);
    done >>pggb.jobids

Note that, for clarity, the command line given in quotes has been broken across multiple lines, which may cause problems if it is copied and pasted without editing.

A slightly different command line is used for the mitochondria, specifically we set -s 1000 to improve sensitivity in this short chromosome.

DOWNLOAD THE GRAPHS: you can find the resulting graphs in GFA format here. More information and other files are available here.


Go in the evaluation directory:

cd evaluation

Download and prepare the reference:

wget -c ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/archive/old_genbank/Eukaryotes/vertebrates_mammals/Homo_sapiens/GRCh38/seqs_for_alignment_pipelines/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz
gunzip GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz

$run_rtg format -o GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.sdf GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna

Download the 'truth' set:

wget -c http://hypervolu.me/~guarracino/HPRC/HPRC_variant_calling_evaluation/HG00438.GRCh38_no_alt.deepvariant.vcf.gz

Download the Dipcall confident regions for the HG00438 sample:

wget -c http://hypervolu.me/~guarracino/HPRC/HPRC_variant_calling_evaluation/HG00438.f1_assembly_v2.dip.bed

Download the stratification files:

wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=6 ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ReferenceSamples/giab/release/genome-stratifications/v2.0/GRCh38
  • -nH avoids the creation of a directory named after the server name;
  • --cut-dirs=6 allows to put the content in the directory where you launch wget. The number 6 is used to filter out the 6-th components of the path.

Run the evaluations. For example, for chromosome 20, run:

grep chr20 HG00438.f1_assembly_v2.dip.bed | bgzip > HG00438.f1_assembly_v2.dip.chr20.bed.gz
tabix -p bed HG00438.f1_assembly_v2.dip.chr20.bed.gz
./vcf_evaluation.sh HG00438 chr20.pan.fa.c3d3224.7748b33.eb1aaa2.smooth.vcf.gz HG00438.f1_assembly_v2.dip.chr20.bed.gz GRCh38_notinalldifficultregions.bed.gz GRCh38_alldifficultregions.bed.gz HG00438_eval_out 16

The detailed results will be in HG00438_eval_out/.