
The extractors and capnp encoders that extract and output disassemblers' results into a capnp file, formatted using pangineDSM-import/capnp-rst

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Disassembler Evaluation - Disassemblers

The extractors and capnp encoders that extract and output disassemblers' results into a capnp file, formatted using pangineDSM-import/capnp-rst

Presently support:

  • BAP
  • ddisasm
  • Ghidra
  • Radare2
  • ROSE

The data needs to be given in the format of the output of disasm-eval-sources.

It is highly recommend to use docker images for execution.

You need to install the docker image llvmmc-resolver before running this. To install the docker images:

docker build -t pangine/disasms-base -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.disasms-base .
docker build -t pangine/ghidra -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.ghidra .
docker build -t pangine/bap -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.bap .
docker build -t pangine/ddisasm -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.ddisasm .
docker build -t pangine/r2 -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.r2 .
docker build -t pangine/rose -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.rose .

To execute a disassembler and the extractor

Here we use Ghidra as an example, the other disassemblers are the same except that you need to change the ghidra in the executable names to other disassemblers.

Assume that you have results from the disasm-eval-sources project for x64 gnu-gcc-7.5.0 under /path_to_test_cases/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-7.5.0/%2dO3/, and you want the disassembly result for openssh-7.1p2 (there should be a bin/openssh-7.1p2 subdirectory inside the compiled projects folder).

The llvm triple for this test case should be x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-elf

Here are the commands that you want to execute:


docker run --rm -it -v ${OUTPUTDIR}:/output \
pangine/ghidra /bin/bash -i -c \
'/bin/time -v pgndsm-eval-ghidra -sd "${PROJECTNAME}" /output/"${TESTCASE}" && pgndsm-eval-ghidra-cvt -sd "${PROJECTNAME}" -l ${LLVMTRIPLE} /output/"${TESTCASE}"'

You will find the both the capnp output at /path_to_test_cases/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-7.5.0/%2dO3/ghidra/openssh-7.1p2/*_ghidra.out.

You can choose not to use the -sd argument, and the disassembler will run for all the test cases in projects folder.