
The LST-based ground truth generation method

Primary LanguageGo

Pangine Disassembler Ground Truth Generator

The LST-based ground truth generation method

This packages includes 3 executables:

  • disasm-gt-extgit: extract assembly and object files from a git managed build directories into separate folders.
  • disasm-gt: generate ground truth using the binary and the assembly files.
  • disasm-gt-check: check the correctness of the ground truth.

The data needs to be given in the format of the output of disasm-eval-sources.

To build the Docker image:

Before this build, you need to build a docker image from https://github.com/pangine/msvc-wine/tree/2004-ninja (git clone --branch 2004-ninja https://github.com/pangine/msvc-wine.git). Tag the generated image to be pangine/msvc-wine

docker build -t pangine/disasm-gt-generator --build-arg UID=`id -u` .

To use the toolkit inside the container:

Assume that you have a compiled projects folder at /path_to_test_cases/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-7.5.0/%2dO3, and the project you want a ground truth is openssh-7.1p2 (there should be a bin/openssh-7.1p2 subdirectory inside the compiled projects folder).

The llvm triple for this test case should be x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-elf


docker run --rm -it -v ${OUTPUTDIR}:/output \
pangine/disasm-gt-generator /bin/bash -c \
'disasm-gt-extgit -l "${LLVMTRIPLE}" -sd "${PROJECTNAME}" /output/"${TESTCASE}" &&
disasm-gt -l "${LLVMTRIPLE}" -sd "${PROJECTNAME}" /output/"${TESTCASE}" &&
disasm-gt-check -l "${LLVMTRIPLE}" -sd "${PROJECTNAME}" /output/"${TESTCASE}"'

You will find the ground truth in the format of sqlite3 at /path_to_test_cases/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-7.5.0/%2dO3/gt/openssh-7.1p2/.

You can choose not to use the -sd argument, and the ground truth generator will generate and check ground truth for all the test cases in projects folder.