Bundle is used for storing configuration with Symfony2 in database using Doctrine2 ORM.
Thanks to Tobias Nyholm and Artem Zhuravlov for contribution.
- Easy-to-use
- Fast and extensible
- Per-user settings
- Settings scopes
- Settings validation using full power of Symfony2 Form Component
- 2 serialization mechanisms in DB: PHP's native
and JSON + you can write your own - Settings caching
Add the following to your
file:// composer.json { "require": { // ... "dmishh/settings-bundle": "2.0.*@dev" } }
Update dependencies, run from command line:
php composer.phar update
Register the bundle in your
file:<?php // in AppKernel::registerBundles() $bundles = array( // ... new Dmishh\Bundle\SettingsBundle\DmishhSettingsBundle(), );
Update your database for creating settings table:
php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- Manually:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Add following lines to your app/config/routing.yml (see how to override default routing and controller):
settings: resource: "@DmishhSettingsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /settings
Configure first setting, add to app/config/config.yml:
dmishh_settings: settings: my_first_setting: ~
Open http://YOUR-PROJECT-URL/app_dev.php/settings/global and start managing your settings!
In controllers:
<?php // GLOBAL SETTINGS // Set setting value by its name $this->get('settings_manager')->set('my_first_setting', 'value'); // Get setting value by its name $this->get('settings_manager')->get('my_first_setting'); // => 'value' // Get all settings $this->get('settings_manager')->all(); // => array('my_first_setting' => 'value') // Set settings' values from associative name-value array $this->get('settings_manager')->setMany(array('my_first_setting' => 'new_value')); $this->get('settings_manager')->get('my_first_setting'); // => 'new_value'
<?php // PER USER SETTINGS // Each of methods above has last optional $user parameter // that allows to get/set per-user settings // Your User Entity must implement SettingsOwnerInterface if you wish to use per-user settings // class User implements SettingsOwnerInterface { // public function getSettingIdentifier() { // return $this->id; // } // } // These are same examples as above with only difference that they are for current user $this->get('settings_manager')->set('my_first_setting', 'user_value', $this->getUser()); $this->get('settings_manager')->get('my_first_setting', $this->getUser()); // => 'user_value' $this->get('settings_manager')->all($this->getUser()); // array('my_first_setting' => 'user_value') $this->get('settings_manager')->setMany(array('my_first_setting' => 'new_user_value'), $this->getUser()); $this->get('settings_manager')->get('my_first_setting', $this->getUser()); // => 'new_user_value' // PER ENTITY SETTINGS // This is the most interesting part. You can have settings for any entity. // Just make sure you have unique values for getSettingIdentifier() // class Company implements SettingsOwnerInterface { // public function getSettingIdentifier() { // return 'company_' . $this->id; // } // } $myCompany = new Company(); $this->get('settings_manager')->set('delivery_frequency_setting', 'daily', $myCompany); $this->get('settings_manager')->get('delivery_frequency_setting', $this->getUser()); // => 'daily'
In services: you must inject @settings_manager or the whole @service_container into your service and use it in the same way as in controllers (like in the example above)
In Twig templates:
{# Global setting #} {{ get_setting('some_setting') }} {# => 'value' #} {# User setting #} {{ get_setting('some_user_setting', app.user) }} {# => 'value' #} {# Getting all global settings #} {% for setting in get_all_settings() %} {{ setting }} {# => 'value', ... #} {% endfor %}
Full list of options:
layout: DmishhSettingsBundle::layout.html.twig
template: DmishhSettingsBundle:Settings:manage.html.twig
cache_service: null
cache_lifetime: 3600
manage_global_settings_role: ROLE_USER
users_can_manage_own_settings: true
serialization: php # database serialization mechanism (php|json)
type: number # any Symfony2 form type
options: # options passed to form
required: false
min: 1
max: 65535
Settings validation uses Symfony Forms Component. You just specify, for example, type text and use it's options like max_length, etc. Also you can use built-in or custom constraints.
type: text
max_length: 15
pattern: "/^\d+$/"
Note: validation is provided only at the form level.
Bundle provides settings separation into 3 scopes: ALL, GLOBAL and USER.
GLOBAL and USER scopes are totally independent. ALL scope provides you to inherit global settings when user setting with the same name is not setted. Examples must give more clearance:
// Example with ALL scope
$this->get('settings_manager')->set('all_scope_setting', 'value');
$this->get('settings_manager')->get('all_scope_setting'); // => 'value'
$this->get('settings_manager')->get('all_scope_setting', $this->getUser()); // => 'value'
$this->get('settings_manager')->set('all_scope_setting', 'user_value', $this->getUser());
$this->get('settings_manager')->get('all_scope_setting', $this->getUser()); // => 'user_value'
// Example #1 with GLOBAL and USER scopes
$this->get('settings_manager')->set('global_scope_setting', 'value');
$this->get('settings_manager')->get('global_scope_setting'); // => 'value'
$this->get('settings_manager')->get('global_scope_setting', $this->getUser()); // => WrongScopeException
$this->get('settings_manager')->set('global_scope_setting', 'value', $this->getUser()); // => WrongScopeException
// Example #2 with GLOBAL and USER scopes
$this->get('settings_manager')->set('user_scope_setting', 'value', $this->getUser());
$this->get('settings_manager')->get('user_scope_setting', $this->getUser()); // => 'value'
$this->get('settings_manager')->get('user_scope_setting'); // => WrongScopeException
$this->get('settings_manager')->set('user_scope_setting', 'value'); // => WrongScopeException
You may configure a scope to each of your settings. You can use ALL (default), GLOBAL or USER scope.
scope: user # all, global
To protect settings modification bundle uses Symfony Security Component.
You can limit global settings modification with manage_global_settings_role
and grant access to authenticated users to modify their settings.
manage_global_settings_role: ROLE_USER
users_can_manage_own_settings: true
If you want to cache your settings you may provide a cache service that implements Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider
Every time you fetch a setting from the database we will cache it for cache_lifetime
seconds. If you edit the
setting we will automatically invalidate the cache.
cache_service: apc_cache
cache_lifetime: 3600
apc_cache: my_apc_cache
type: apc
namespace: random_namespace
Read more about how you configure the Doctrine cache bundle on their GitHub page.
- Create yml or xliff file for domain settings (example: settings.en.yml) in any of your bundles or directly in app/Resources (note: your bundle must be activated after DmishhSettingsBundle in AppKernel.php)
- Add your settings translations like in the following example for yml format:
my_custom_setting: My Custom Label
profile_update_interval: Profile update interval
Clear your cache with app/console cache:clear
- Create, if not yet, yml or xliff file for domain settings (example: settings.en.yml) in any of your bundles or directly in app/Resources (note: your bundle must be activated after DmishhSettingsBundle in AppKernel.php)
- Add your choices translations like in the following example for yml format (add _choice postfix to your setting's name):
gender: Gender
m: Male
f: Female
Clear your cache with app/console cache:clear
Set your layout in config
layout: DmishhSettingsBundle::layout.html.twig # change to your own
Place settings_form
block near your main content block
{% block settings_form %}{% endblock %}
template: DmishhSettingsBundle:Settings:manage.html.twig # change to your own
→ How to add optional setting?
Add required: false
to setting validation options
required: false
→ How to add an array
→ How to inject settings_manager
into form?
Make sure to read the UPGRADE.md to successfully migrate your application.
Please, do not hesitate to report bugs or send pull requests. It will help to motivate me to support library better than anything else :)
- Added optional caching
- New interface for your entity. We are no longer using
. UseSettingsOwnerInterface
instead. - Changed behavior of
. It will not return global config if the user/local values are missing - Added possibility to add default value as third parameter on
- Minor code improvements and bug fixes
- System messages translations to en, it, es, fr, de, ru, uk, sv languages
- Ability to choose serialization mechanism (php or json)
- Ability to add constraints to validation
- First stable version
The MIT License. For the full text of license, please, see LICENSE
© 2013-2015 Dmitriy Scherbina