
Udemy: The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Udemy The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition)


  • node.js is a runtime of JavaScript
  • global
  • process.exit()
  • event-driven, non-blocking I/O model
  • search for npm modules at npmjs.com

    npm init -y npm install validator@13.6.0

  • debugger via node inspect, DevTools(chrome://inspect) TIPS: esc key to show console on chrome DevTools
  • Asynchronous process flow: setTimeout(..., 2000) at Call Stack-> register via Node APIs (afterward C++ world) -> hand over to Callback Queue -> Event Loop then move Callback to Call Stack and get called (back to js)
  • request is not deprecated. Now it's fork is postman-request
  • create web server with express, expressjs.com

    npm install express --save

  • nodemon by default will only restart when there is any .js file got changed

    npm src/app.js -e js,hbs

  • Installing Database GUI Viewer


// Install global modules
npm install nodemon@1.18.5 -g

cd notes-app
	npm install

	node app-example.js
	nodemon app-example.js

	node app.js --version
	node app.js --help
	node app.js add --title="My First Note" --body="This is my first note."
	node app.js remove --title="My First Note"

	node inspect app.js add --title="My First Note" --body="This is my first note."
		debug> restart
	node --inspect-brk app.js add --title="My First Note" --body="This is my first note."

cd ../playground
	node 1-json.js

cd ../weather-app
	npm install
npm i mongodb@3.6.8


Application Deployment Joining Heroku and GitHub Exploring Git Integrating Git Deploying Node.js to Heroku New Feature Deployument Workflow Avoiding Global Modules

REST APIs and Mongoose Data validation and sanitization Structuring a REST API Installing Postman Resource creation endpoints Promise chaining Async/Await Resource Updating Endpoints Resource Deleting Endpoints Separate Route Files API Authentication and Security Storing, Pagination, and Filtering File Uploads Sending Emails Testing Node.js Real-Time Web Application with Socket.io