
JavaScript Parallax library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Seamless and simple parallax scrolling library implemented in pure JavaScript utilizing Hardware acceleration for extra performance.

Super lightweight without dependencies

Less than 5KB pure JavaScript.

Viewport-only animations

Parallax elements are only animated within the current viewport, thus saving enormous resources.

Dynamic sizing

Image-elements are dynamically sized and adjusted relative to the pv-speed.

Performance is key

Vanilla Parallax maximizes your parallax effects with hardware acceleration and no external libraries.



bower i --save parallax-vanilla


npm i --save parallax-vanilla


Download package and include parallax-vanilla.min.css at the top of your page and parallax-vanilla.min.js at the bottom.

<link href="/path/to/parallax-vanilla.min.css">
<script src="/path/to/parallax-vanilla.min.js"></script>


Simple usage

1 Wrap a pv-block with a pv-container.

<div class="pv-container">
	<div class="pv-block"></div>

2 Add a background-image to pv-block (can also be achieved using data-attributes or CSS).

<div class="pv-container">
	<div class="pv-block" style="background-image:url('path/to/image.extension');"></div>

3 Initialize library.

<div class="pv-container">
	<div class="pv-block" style="background-image:url('path/to/image.extension');"></div>

JavaScript settings: Customize everything

Settings can be set for all container and block elements.

	container : {
		class : String,
		height : String || Float || Number,
	block : {
		class: String
		speed: Float,
		image: Url

Data attributes: Customize individual elements

Data attributes allows for fine control over each individual parallax effect. You can define settings through JavaScript and then apply data attributes to selected elements.

<div class="pv-container" pv-height="100vh">
	<div class="pv-block" pv-speed=1 pv-image='path/to/image.extension'></div>

This code will produce a pv-container with height 100vh (viewport height) containing a pv-block with a parallax speed of 1 displaying the image image.extension.


Name Type Default Description
settings Object container, block Settings object. These settings will be applied to each container and block. Can be individually overwritten by data attributes.
settings.container Object class, height The container object's properties helps ensure that the parallax effect is triggered at the right time and goes on for the right amount of pixels scrolled.
settings.container.class String 'pv-container' The class of the container element.
settings.container.height String || Float || Number '250px' container height. String argument with Number and Suffix, e.g. '100px' or '100vh'. Float or Number input will recieve 'px' suffix.
settings.block Object class, speed, image The block object.
settings.block.class String 'pv-block' The class of the block element.
settings.block.speed Float || Number -Math.PI The speed and direction at which the parallax animated. Negative values will animate the `block` upwards when scrolling downwards on the page. The inverse apply for positive values. All values are allowed except 0. If 0 is picked, the default value will be applied.
settings.container.image Path undefined If no path is given, it is set to undefined. It is then crucial that you include your background through data attributes, CSS or other means.


The following is the CSS included.

.pv-container {
  overflow: hidden;

  .pv-block {
    will-change: transform;
	  background-repeat: no-repeat;
	  background-position: center center;
	  background-size: cover;