- akondylisTechmind
- amirshimNYC
- anhpt379
- barchard
- danielOverstellar
- ddacunhaSingapore
- demon-tdrBarcelona
- dz0ny@teamniteo
- erikvdwalThe Netherlands
- esmevaneFayetteville
- euskadi31@angell-bike
- gavdalyGrimsby, Ontario
- homeyerBoulder, CO
- hSATACTaiwan
- ianHybrid
- jbroadwayAband*nthecar
- jharwigPine Point Software LLC
- jmaitzIndianapolis
- joesteeleStripe
- jtw
- kbartekin the middle of nowhere
- kossoUK
- lencioniHappo
- makjaveliBerlin
- maqenStockholm
- mfrister
- mkoentopfsub-link IT
- pospeevAmsterdam
- rolfnlNetherlands
- rowlandwatkinsUK
- rsshKiev, Ukraine
- schmidt@tourlane
- seanodotcomJust Outside Philly
- spifty
- stagasNaN
- vguerraParis, France