This project is about utilizing a Unscented Kalman Filter to estimate the state (position & velocity) of a moving object of interest with noisy LiDAR and Radar measurements.
This project involves the use of a simulator which can be downloaded from here. To predict the position of an object, a constant turn rate and velocity magnitude (CTRV) motion model is used. The simulator provides LiDAR and Radar measurements that are utilized by the Unscented Kalman Filter(UKF) to provide estimated position & velocity of the object of interest. The UKF works in two steps; predict and update. In the predict step, based on the time difference alone (between previous & current timestamps), a prediction is made, whereas in the update step, the belief in object's location is updated based on the received sensor measurements.
INPUT: values provided by the simulator to the c++ program
=> the measurement that the simulator observed (either LiDAR or Radar)
OUTPUT: values provided by the c++ program to the simulator
<= kalman filter estimated position x
<= kalman filter estimated position y
<= root mean square error of position x
<= root mean square error of position y
<= root mean square error of velocity x
<= root mean square error of velocity y
The code compiles using make
& cmake
as indicated by the successful creation of the ./ExtendedKF
px, py, vx, vy output coordinates must have an RMSE <= [.09, .10, .40, .30] when using the file: "obj_pose-laser-radar-synthetic-input.txt which is the same data file the simulator uses for Dataset 1".
The RMSE of the algorithm is [0.0639373, 0.0834023, 0.330414, 0.212941]
as shown in the figure below:
Your Sensor Fusion algorithm follows the general processing flow as taught in the preceding lessons.
The algorithm follows the general processing flow:
- Initialize state & covariance matrices on first sensor measurement.
- On subsequent measurements, run the same predict function.
- After predict function, call separate functions for update depending upon the type of the sensor.
The first measurement is handled correctly as follows:
if (!is_initialized_) {
// set noise matrices
R_radar_ << std_radr_*std_radr_, 0, 0,
0, std_radphi_*std_radphi_, 0,
0, 0,std_radrd_*std_radrd_;
R_lidar_ << std_laspx_*std_laspx_,0,
// set weights
double weight_0 = lambda_aug_/(lambda_aug_ + n_aug_);
weights_(0) = weight_0;
for (int i = 1; i < 2*n_aug_+1; i++) {
double weight = 0.5/(n_aug_ + lambda_aug_);
weights_(i) = weight;
if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR) {
// Convert radar from polar to cartesian coordinates and initialize state.
float rho = meas_package.raw_measurements_(0);
float phi = meas_package.raw_measurements_(1);
float rho_dot = meas_package.raw_measurements_(2);
x_(0) = rho * cos(phi);
x_(1) = rho * sin(phi);
x_(3) = rho_dot * cos(phi);
x_(4) = rho_dot * sin(phi);
else if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER) {
x_(0) = meas_package.raw_measurements_(0);
x_(1) = meas_package.raw_measurements_(1);
if (fabs(x_(0)) < zero_threshold_) x_(0) = 0;
if (fabs(x_(1)) < zero_threshold_) x_(1) = 0;
time_us_ = meas_package.timestamp_;
// done initializing, no need to predict or update
is_initialized_ = true;
The Kalman Filter algorithm first predicts then updates as shown below:
* Prediction
float d_t = (meas_package.timestamp_ - time_us_) / 1000000.0; //delta (seconds)
time_us_ = meas_package.timestamp_;
* Update
if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR && use_radar_) {
if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER && use_laser_) {
The algorithm handles these types separately by executing different code based on the type of the sensor e.g.:
if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::RADAR && use_radar_) {
if (meas_package.sensor_type_ == MeasurementPackage::LASER && use_laser_) {
The algorithm follows the following guidelines:
- Running the exact same calculation repeatedly when you can run it once, store the value and then reuse the value later.
- Loops that run too many times.
- Creating unnecessarily complex data structures when simpler structures work equivalently.
- Unnecessary control flow checks.
For example, consider the following code fragment:
// set weights
double weight_0 = lambda_aug_/(lambda_aug_ + n_aug_);
weights_(0) = weight_0;
for (int i = 1; i < 2*n_aug_+1; i++) {
double weight = 0.5/(n_aug_ + lambda_aug_);
weights_(i) = weight;
Here, the weights_
class member has been initialized once and then used later multiple times, such at ukf.cpp > line no. 269, ukf.cpp > line no. 281, ukf.cpp > line no. 314, ukf.cpp > line no. 323, ukf.cpp > line no. 350, ukf.cpp > line no. 404 and ukf.cpp > line no. 452.
- data: Directory containing sample sensor measurements
- images: Some screenshots
- src: Directory containing c++ source files along with Eigen library
- CMakeLists.txt: File containing compilation instructions
- Project readme file
- Visualization.ipynb: Python notebook for output data visualization
- estimates.txt: Tab-delimited file containing output data
- Script for installing uWebSockets on Macintosh
- Script for installing uWebSockets on Ubuntu
- cmake >= 3.5
- All OSes: click here for installation instructions
- make >= 4.1 (Linux, Mac), 3.81 (Windows)
- Linux: make is installed by default on most Linux distros
- Mac: install Xcode command line tools to get make
- Windows: Click here for installation instructions
- gcc/g++ >= 5.4
- Linux: gcc / g++ is installed by default on most Linux distros
- Mac: same deal as make - install Xcode command line tools
- Windows: recommend using MinGW
This repository includes two files that can be used to set up and install uWebSocketIO for either Linux or Mac systems.
- Clone this repo.
- Make a build directory:
mkdir build && cd build
- Compile:
cmake .. && make
- On windows, you may need to run:
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
- On windows, you may need to run:
- Run it:
Follow the build instructions above. Once the program is running, start the simulator. You should see a connected!!! message upon successful connection between the simulator and the c++ program. Hit the Start button. The output should be same as shown here.
Instead of installing the uWebSocketIO library and running the simulator, following approach can be adopted:
- Remove the main.cpp file.
- Rename the main_without_uwebsocketio.cpp to
. - Copy the file
to the parent directory where the code is running. - Compile/run the project.
- Upon successful execution, you should see a file
created in the directory where the program is running. The file contains the data in this format:
p_x p_y velocity yaw yaw_rate v_x v_y px_meas py_meas x_groundtruth y_groundtruth vx_groundtruth vy_groundtruth px_rmse py_rmse vx_rmse vy_rmse nis_lidar nis_radar
To tune the process noise for linear acceleration std_a_
and the process noise for angular acceleration std_yawdd_
, a range of values were tested. Below table shows a selection of some values. The highlighted row indicates the selected parameter values based on the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) values.
UKF: [0.0639373, 0.0834023, 0.330414, 0.212941]
EKF: [0.0964, 0.0853, 0.4154, 0.4316]
The visible reduction in the RMSE values is the result of employing a more complex motion model i.e. constant turn rate and velocity magnitude (CTRV) model as compared to the simple constant velocity (CV) model.
[0.102646, 0.0968415, 0.60547, 0.241321]
[0.150655, 0.199968, 0.358357, 0.315003]
Estimated position of the object is shown as green triangles:
Plot showing UKF estimates, measurements taken by the sensors and the ground truth:
Plot showing estimated position x, measured position x and the ground truth:
Plot showing various estimated values, actual measurements and the ground truth for each time step:
Plot showing Normalized Innovation Squared(NIS) metric for LiDAR:
Plot showing Normalized Innovation Squared(NIS) metric for Radar:
The content of this project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.