This is a costmap plugin for costmap_2d pkg
Considering ray casting method can not satisfy sparse 3D space problem of clearing. This plugin is based on kd-tree search to clear the markings.
This plugin comprises two parts:
- Marking pointcloud and store it using std::map.
- Clearing marked pointcloud using kd-tree search which is from Point Cloud Library (PCL).
- Note that costmap_depth_camera.launch subscribe imu data from realsense D435i and create TF from map-->base_link. Change anything to meet your system requirements. If you have point cloud published, realsense is not needed.
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
roslaunch costmap_depth_camera costmap_depth_camera.launch
global_frame: map
robot_base_frame: base_link
update_frequency: 5.0
publish_frequency: 5
static_map: false
rolling_window: true
width: 20
height: 20
resolution: 0.05
transform_tolerance: 1.0
footprint: [[0.46,0.25], [0.36,0.37], [0.33,0.39], [-0.39,0.4], [-0.48,0], [-0.39,-0.4], [0.33,-0.39], [0.36,-0.37], [0.46,-0.25], [0.49,0]]
- {name: static, type: 'costmap_2d::StaticLayer'}
- {name: 3DPerception, type: 'costmap_depth_camera::DepthCameraObstacleLayer'}
- {name: inflation, type: 'costmap_2d::InflationLayer'}
map_topic: /map
inflation_radius: 1.0
cost_scaling_factor: 0.5
ec_seg_distance: 0.2
ec_cluster_min_size: 5
size_of_cluster_rejection: 5
voxel_resolution: 0.01
check_radius: 0.1
enable_near_blocked_protection: false
number_points_considered_as_blocked: 5
forced_clearing_distance: 0.1
observation_sources: depth_cam #depth_cam_left
depth_cam: {sensor_frame: camera_link, topic: /camera/depth/color/points, expected_update_rate: 0.3, FOV_W: 1.0, FOV_V: 0.9, min_detect_distance: 0.15, max_detect_distance: 2.0, min_obstacle_height: 0.08}
#depth_cam_left: {sensor_frame: camera_link_left, topic: /camera_left/depth/color/points, expected_update_rate: 0.3, FOV_W: 1.0, FOV_V: 0.9, min_detect_distance: 0.15, max_detect_distance: 2.0, min_obstacle_height: 0.08}
- ec_seg_distance: 0.2
- ec_cluster_min_size: 5
- size_of_cluster_rejection: 5
Implement Euclidean Cluster Extraction. For ec_seg_distance, it is useful when some object is black and small, if it is connect to a bigger object, then size_of_cluster_rejection will not reject that small piece of black object.
For size_of_cluster_rejection, this is used to ignore small object in the space. It seems even though ec_cluster_min_size is set to 5, the Euclidean Cluster Extraction will still output the cluster small than 5 points. Therefore, we can use this function to ignore them (will not add in markings).
- voxel_resolution: 0.01
Usually, 1 cm voxel height is enough.
- number_clearing_threshold: 2
- check_radius: 0.1
A kd-tree radius search of a marked point will be used to find the neighbors, if number of neighbors is higher than number_clearing_threshold. The marked point will be cleared. For example, a marked point only has one neighbor within 0.1 meter. So the marked point will be cleared.
- forced_clearing_distance: 0.1
If a point appears within this distance, it will be cleared. The distance is calculated from the point to robot_base_frame. For example, a noise point appear in the robot footprint will be cleared.
- number_points_considered_as_blocked: 5
- enable_near_blocked_protection: true
If number of points in point cloud is less than 'number_points_considered_as_blocked', clearing mechanism is skip. For example, my robot can always see floor and thus the point cloud will always has points. If a new message arrive with few points, we simply assume the depth camera is blocked by something (mostly people's hand, they like to wave their hands in front of robot). When depth camera detect nothing, it will clear all markings in the frustum, by enabling this protect function, the false clearing can be prevent.
Make sure the sensor_frame in yaml file follows the setting (in general case of realsense is camera_link), i.e.: z axes points to sky, x axes points to moving direction. The orange points show the frustum of my camera.
Many thanks to Uniring MAX - The leader of robotic floor scrubber