
NYC Robotics QuadCopter Autopilot Software

Primary LanguageC++

This project contains an adaptation of the ArduPilot IMU functionality
as taken from the AP_IMU library of the ArduCopter project.

Code in this project is intended to run on Arduino Uno hardware. It is
designed to stream data from the IMU back to a computer using Serial.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT connect the 5-DOF to a +5V power supply. Powering with
    MORE than 3.6V may result in DAMAGE to the sensors!
    The Uno has a 3.3V output, which is fine to use.

Connect AREF to 3.3V for increased sensitivity (in ADC steps).

Primary Differences

ADC - The original ArduCopter source is intended to be run on specialized
    hardware built around the Arduino Mega. It also uses an external
    12-bit ADC connected to a serial port.
    It has been replaced by code that uses Uno's the onboard 10-bit ADC.
    Note that this required making some changes to constants used in
    the IMU for reading sensor data.

Hardware Serial - Some places in the code used the FastSerial library or
    hardware serial ports found on the Arduino Mega but not the Uno. These
    references were modified or removed as appropriate.

IMU DOF - ArduCopter has 3 gyro axes, but our IMU has only 2. This required
    a few small changes where sensor readings are taken and sensor data is

EEPROM Storage - I haven't studied how this works yet, so I omitted it.
    ArduCopter has functions (under AP_Common) that allow persisting config
    or calibration data. This'll be nice in the future, but for now
    it wasn't needed.


board.h - Pin connections are defined here

calibration.h - constants related to particular sensors

IMU.h, APU_* - files from AP_IMU library, distilled to function on the Uno

ArducopterIMU.pde - main file with setup & loop. Just reads data from the
    IMU and pipes it out through Serial.


You'll need the ArduPilot libraries installed. They are included in the source
distribution, along with installation instructions.

AP_Math  is the only library used by the first version of this code.