An extremely simple example of a "real-time" self-updating page using long-polling.
- 0
Just a question
#15 opened by michelinok - 9
I got a 504 error in 10 minutes of script work
#12 opened by bicdibuss - 2
Problems with database binding.
#14 opened by Arwik228 - 1
Just a question
#13 opened by BobRay - 0
Keep alive
#11 opened by cis2131 - 1
overloading apache2
#10 opened by silverbux - 2
Can you please make an example using MySQL?
#9 opened by tdias25 - 0
- 2
- 1
The example not working in case of the client files (index.html, client.js) run directly by clicking on them.
#5 opened by aaaeeeccc - 1
realtime with php
#4 opened by macagoraga - 1
#1 opened by noodlehaus