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stripe-event-search is a tool and golang library to search stripe events of the customers.

Supported events

  • Existing customer
  • Existing payment methods
  • PaymentIntent


Install stripe-event-search by command below,

$ go install


root command

$ stripe-event-search

  help     show help
  single   Exec searching stripe events for single customer
  multi    Exec searching stripe events for multiple customers

single command

single command is to search single customer's payment data from Stripe.

# so far, restricted keys(rk_xxx) does not support search api.
$ export STRIPE_API_KEY=sk_test_...

$ stripe-event-search help single
Exec searching stripe events for single customer


  -h, --help                  display help information
      --apikey                api key for stripe API (e.g. --apikey='sk_test_xxx')
  -c, --customer              customer id for search query (e.g. --customer='cus_123')
  -p, --payment_type[=card]   target payment method type (e.g. --payment_type='card')
  -s, --show_metadata         metadata keys to show on output (space separated)  (e.g. --show_metadata='user_id user_name')
  -H, --hide                  ignore labels to hide from output (space separated)  (e.g. --hide='ID CardBrand')
  -k, --metakey               metadata key for search query (e.g. --metakey='user_id')
  -v, --metaval               metadata value for search query (e.g. --metaval='101')
  -A, --after                 filter payment events after this date/datetime (UTC) (e.g. --after='2022-01-31 10:00:00')
      --debug                 set if you need verbose logs --debug

For example, to get data of customer: cus_123

$ stripe-event-search single -c cus_123

Customer	CreatedTime	EventType	ID	CardBrand	CardLast4	CardFingerprint	Description	AmountCaptured	AmountRefunded	FailureCode	RiskScore
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:50+09:00	customer	cus_123				18424658
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:51+09:00	payment_intent	pi_001				1point	100	false	0		0
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:02:54+09:00	payment_intent	pi_002				10point	1000	false	0		0
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:04:37+09:00	payment_intent	pi_003	visa	0000	abcdEFG	5point	500	true	500		0
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:06:20+09:00	payment_method	pm_001	visa	0000	abcdEFG

If you want to search the customer by metadata, you can use --metakey (-k) and --metaval (-v) options. Let's say the customer cus_123 has metadata user_id and the value is 101, then,

$ stripe-event-search single -k user_id -v 101

search_meta_value	Customer	CreatedTime	EventType	ID	CardBrand	CardLast4	CardFingerprint	Description	AmountCaptured	AmountRefunded	FailureCode	RiskScore
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:50+09:00	customer	cus_123				18424658
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:51+09:00	payment_intent	pi_001				1point	100	false	0		0
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:02:54+09:00	payment_intent	pi_002				10point	1000	false	0		0
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:04:37+09:00	payment_intent	pi_003	visa	0000	abcdEFG	5point	500	true	500		0
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:06:20+09:00	payment_method	pm_001	visa	0000	abcdEFG

Also you can filter the time range and add/remove columns from output.

$stripe-event-search single \
  -k user_id \
  -v 101 \
  --after '2022-01-01 00:01:00' \
  -s 'user_id  country' \
  -H 'ID CardBrand CardLast4 Amount AmountRefunded RiskScore'

search_meta_value	Customer	CreatedTime	EventType	CardFingerprint	Description	Captured	FailureCode	user_id	country
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:50+09:00	customer		101			101
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:02:54+09:00	payment_intent		10point	false	101	jp
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:04:37+09:00	payment_intent	abcdEFG	5point	true		101	jp
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:06:20+09:00	payment_method	abcdEFG

multi command

multi command is to search multiple customers' payment data from Stripe.

$ stripe-event-search help multi
Exec searching stripe events for multiple customers


  -h, --help                  display help information
      --apikey                api key for stripe API (e.g. --apikey='sk_test_xxx')
  -i, --input                *input csv/tsv file path (e.g. --input='./input.csv')
  -o, --output               *output tsv file path (e.g. --output='./output.tsv')
  -p, --payment_type[=card]   target payment method type (e.g. --payment_type='card')
  -s, --show_metadata         metadata keys to show on output (space separated)  (e.g. --show_metadata='user_id user_name')
  -H, --hide                  ignore labels to hide from output (space separated)  (e.g. --hide='ID CardBrand')
  -k, --metakey               metadata key for search query (e.g. --metakey='user_id')
  -A, --after                 filter payment events after this date/datetime (UTC) (e.g. --after='2022-01-31 10:00:00')
  -I, --interval              time interval after a API call to handle rate limit (ms=msec s=sec, m=min) (e.g. --interval=1.5s)
      --debug                 set if you need verbose logs

To use this command, specify customers on CSV/TSV file. For example, create input.tsv file to get data of customer: cus_123 and cus_999 like below,

$ cat ./input.tsv

Then use the file via --input option,

# so far, restricted keys(rk_xxx) does not support search api.
$ export STRIPE_API_KEY=sk_test_...

$ stripe-event-search multi -i ./input.tsv -o output.tsv
2022/03/22 13:35:56 [INFO] exec #: [1]
2022/03/22 13:35:57 [INFO] exec #: [2]
2022/03/22 13:35:58 [INFO] Finished

$ cat output.tsv
Customer	CreatedTime	EventType	ID	CardBrand	CardLast4	CardFingerprint	Description	Amount	Captured	AmountRefunded	FailureCode	RiskScore
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:50+09:00	customer	cus_123				18424658
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:51+09:00	payment_intent	pi_001				1point	100	false	0		0
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:02:54+09:00	payment_intent	pi_002				10point	1000	false	0		0
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:04:37+09:00	payment_intent	pi_003	visa	0000	abcdEFG	5point	500	true	500		0
cus_123	2022-01-01T09:06:20+09:00	payment_method	pm_001	visa	0000	abcdEFG
cus_999	2022-01-17T20:38:16+09:00	customer	cus_999				cus_999

If you want to search the customer by metadata, you can use --metakey (-k) option. Let's say the customer cus_123 has metadata user_id and the value is 101 and filter the time range and add/remove columns from output.

$ cat ./input.tsv

$ stripe-event-search multi \
  -i ./input.tsv \
  -o output.tsv \
  -k user_id  \
  --after '2022-01-01 00:01:00' \
  -s 'user_id  country' \
  -H 'ID CardBrand CardLast4 Amount AmountRefunded RiskScore'

2022/03/22 13:49:35 [INFO] exec #: [1]
2022/03/22 13:49:36 [INFO] exec #: [2]
2022/03/22 13:49:37 [INFO] Finished

$ cat ./output.tsv
search_meta_value	Customer	CreatedTime	EventType	CardFingerprint	Description	Captured	FailureCode	user_id	country
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:00:50+09:00	customer		101			101
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:02:54+09:00	payment_intent		10point	false		101	jp
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:04:37+09:00	payment_intent	abcdEFG	5point	true		101	jp
101	cus_123	2022-01-01T09:06:20+09:00	payment_method	abcdEFG
102	cus_999	2022-01-17T20:38:16+09:00	customer		102			102