

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This was the first challenge during the During the opening event of this hackathon The challenge was to cumulatively as a community refresh a webpage one million times It looked something like this. ze thinggy

there were no rules

This of corse means that all types of solution for this challenge were on the table such as utilization of botnets, ddos and scripts :P

#an example of one such script
while true; 
    sleep 1; 
    curl <url for the event>; 


pankace backend and server

betich front end main dev

ImSoZRious front end

matcha backend and server

Getting Started.

steps to utilize this web


The things you need before using the software.

  • You need this
  • And you need this
  • Oh, and don't forget this
  • but mainly a server that can serve a node-js website
  • oh and if you want to follow the instructions above a google cloud account and moola aka.money of which I have non

Lessons Learned and failures.

deployment one.

The first deployment was on google cloud app engine service ad a docker container. This was a failure because, I was not aware of the limitations of the docker container and the app engine service. This has now been abundantly made clear to me lol

deployment two. (on google cloud run service)

Worked very well and actually went quite well.

  • spin up a cloud run debian instance preferably one with quite high bandwidth and low latency. This is because it affects the performance of scripts attempt to refresh the page.
  • install volta
$ curl https://get.volta.sh | bash

$ volta install node

$ node
  • use volta to lauch the page

launching page with npm

npm  install 

npm  build 

npm  start

server should be running on localhost's port 8080

  • a point should be made that this could also be ran on docker though there might be some issues with the docker and it not syncing the refresh count across devices.
  • the page will be on 8080 external ip + port will be the default url unless dns forwarded
