
Sieve A/B testing framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Sieve A/B testing framework


This project is divided into three components:

  1. API Server: provides endpoints to manage the experiments. Also handles experiment allocation, tracking and reporting
  2. Dashboard: is the admin UI for managing experiments and tracking their performance
  3. SDK: hosts the npm module sieve-js, which is to be integrated by an app that wants to perform the A/B test

TODO: Add more information about the flow and the directory structure


  • node >= 4
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Redshift cluster / PostgreSQL server

(Optional) For Data Processing:

  • JDK 8
  • Maven 3
  • Apache Spark 2+ / AWS EMR cluster

Running the Demo

Installing has general instructions for setting up the project. If you're just trying a demo, check this out for a wrapper that makes the setup easy


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/agaralabs/sieve.git
cd sieve

Install the dependencies:


If you prefer not to build the data processor java application, set the env WITHOUT_DATAPROC=1:

WITHOUT_DATAPROC=1 .bin/dependencies.sh

Configure the API:

cd dashboard/server
cp src/config/sample-spark.config.ini src/config/config.ini

Modify the config according to the instructions given here and return to the project root

cd ../..



As before, if you prefer not to build the data processor java app, you can skip it

WITHOUT_DATAPROC=1 .bin/build.sh

This will create build artifacts in the dist directory. It contains the server and dashboard folders, which correspond to the API app and it's frontend


For MySQL:

Create the database and the user, and grant correct permissions:

CREATE USER sieveuser IDENTIFIED BY "password";
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sieve.* TO sieveuser;

And setup the tables:

mysql -u sieveuser -p sieve < dashboard/server/db/mysql_schema.sql

TODO: Add steps for Postgres


For the API Server:

cd dist/server
npm install --production
node app.js               # use the "--harmony" flag for node v4

For the frontend dashboard, serve the contents via a generic server like nginx/apache, or use this command for a temporary server. Access it through the browser via http://localhost:8000

cd dist/dashboard
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000


For bugs and support, please raise an issue on this repository.

To contribute, please fork the project and raise a pull request. Make sure to run tests before pushing.
