Libraries used

  • Highcharts.js
  • Bootstarp
  • jQuery

Problem statement

  1. Left side pane – menu: Admin Dashboard

  2. Clicking on Admin Dashboard, right side pane appears with just a selectable drop down list whish as 2 values – Domain1, Domain2

  3. Upon selecting each of these values (Domain1/Domain2), Pie chart and Bar charts will dynamically rendered with corresponding values.

  4. Clicking on section of these charts will open framework supplied grid/table populated with appropriate values

    a. The grid/table page with have 2 tables having pagination – one below the other, top table will have values populated

    b. Clicking any of the cell (e.g. click on Count 3 as shown below) of the top table will populate some values in second table

Problem statement pictorial : picture alt