
The second season of dashboard

Primary LanguageHTML

The Talent Aquisition Team dashboard

Documentation is here


Page URL Access Purpose in life
Live postings /livePostings Members, TA team To have only live postings populated in the dropdowns & avoid all archived postings
Archived postings /archivedPostings Members, TA team To have only archived postings populated in the dropdowns & avoid all live postings.
Recruiter filter : Live postings /recruiterLivePostings TA team Very similar to /livePostings. But has filter of Recruiter on the top to filter out our choice of recruiters in the report.
Recruiter filter : Archived postings /recruiterArchivedPostings TA team Very similar to /archivedPostings. But has filter of Recruiter on the top to filter out our choice of recruiters in the report.
Team reports /team TA team TA team reports for internal assessment.
User /modifyUsers Admin A user management module for the admin.
Upload /upload Admin Used to feed csv files downloaded from Lever for the dashboard to assimilate & render reports.


Tables & funnels

All tables & funnels filter (as in /livePostings, /archivedPostings, /recruiterLivePostings and /recruiterArchivedPostings ) candidates based on a common logic.

Logic for calculating the table in /livePostings

  • "Posting Archive Status" is TRUE/FALSE. It doesn't shows whether a Posting is archived or not. Instead it tells about the "Profile Archive Status". Lever uses the names in weird ways.

Origin > Referals are hard to find. Atleast just by referring the column "Origin" it can't be determined. Look for status in Referred, Is Social Referral or Is Employee Referral

Removing Postings with Internal (I)

Upload & Store

  • Two unadulterated .csv files are required to be fed in the app via /upload module. Note: Even opening the .csv & then saving alters the file contents.
  • Let's call the big & small CSVs as BigFile & SmallFile respectively.
  • Store .... blah ... blah ...


    • Removing duplicates : Removing duplicate candidate entries .... blah ... blah ...
    • Detemining posting created date:
    • Determining Actual Posting Owner Name:


    • It's sole purpose to decide Posting's Open or Closed status.

Team Reports

There are three tabs:

Tab Description
New applicant Count of candidates still in New Applicant stage displayed recruiter wise in yearly calender
Archived Days elapsed on candidates from Application till they are Archived, filtered recruiter wise.
Offered Days elapsed on candidates from Application till they are been Offered, filtered recruiter wise.

They all are triggered to render the reports upon hitting the GO button. All of them are governed by origin & Date filters which may be altered to get respective cuts.

becandid@directi.com is used to configure Google logins