Broadcast Monitoring - ACRCloud Local Service


I ACRCloud provides Automatic Content Recognition services for Audio Fingerprinting based applications such as Audio Recognition (supports music, video, ads for both online and offline), Broadcast Monitoring, Second Screen, Copyright Protection and etc.

Local Bradcast Monitoring System is used to monitor live radio streams on your own local server. Learn More



How To Use

  1. You should register an account on the ACRCloud platform, and create a Broadcast Monitoring project with local monitoring type, you will get access_key, then add your live radio streams in your project.
  2. Clone the code in your local server.
  3. Install MySQL, import acrcloud_database.sql to your mysql server. $mysql -uroot -p < acrcloud_database.sql.
  4. Modify configuration file (, fill access_key, access_secret and database info in the config file.
  5. Run python to start monitor server.
  6. You can use client to refresh, get stream state, pause and restart stream, run python
  7. You can use Ctrl + \ to stop monitor server (in Linux).
  8. You can get monitoring results in your MySql database.
  9. If you want to record recognize audio, you can set config["record"]["record"]=3 (default is 0 and it means not record).
    You can set config["record"]["record_dir"] to specify the save path.
    You can set config["record"]["record_save_days"] to specify the keep days of record files.
    These config can be set in "".

Python Dependency Library

  1. Twisted
  2. requests
  3. fuzzywuzzy
  4. beautifulsoup4
  5. MySQL-Python

Install on Windows

  1. Install Windows Runtime Library

  2. Install Mysql on your windows

  3. Create Databases(in acrcloud_local_monitor direction and run this command)

    mysql -uroot -p < acrcloud_database.sql

  4. Install Python

  5. Install Python Dependency Library(in acrcloud_local_monitor direction and run the script)


  6. Install MySQL-python

    • Open

    • Find and Download:

      MySQL_python‑1.2.5‑cp27‑none‑win32.whl (or MySQL_python‑1.2.5‑cp27‑none‑win_amd64.whl)

    • python -m pip install MySQL_python‑1.2.5‑cp27‑none‑win32.whl

    • python -m pip install mysql-python

  7. Copy the ACRCloud Library into the acrcloud_local_monitor direction according to your system.

    • X86: copy from winlibs/win32/acrcloud_stream_decode.pyd to acrcloud_local_monitor direction
    • X64: copy from winlibs/win64/acrcloud_stream_decode.pyd to acrcloud_local_monitor direction
  8. If you have created Local Project and add some streams, config the with your access_key, and mysql information, then start the local server


  9. Stop the local monitor server

    python and Ctrl-C