Stencil is dynamic schema registry for protobuf. Protobuf is a great efficient and fast mechanism for serializing structured data. The challenge with protobuf is that for every change it requires to recompile the package to generate the necessary classes. This is not a big challenge if you have protobuf enclosed in your application and compile at startup. But if you have thousands of protos stored in central registry and 100s of applications use them. Updating dependencies of compiled proto jar can soon become a nightmare.
Protobuf allows you to define a whole proto file using google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto. A google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet contains list of FileDescriptorProto. Stencil heavily make use of this feature to update proto schemas in runtime.
Discover why users choose Stencil as their main schema registry
- Version history Stencil stores versioned history of proto descriptor file on specified namespace and name
- Backward compatibility enforce backward compatability check on upload by default
- Flexbility ability to skip some of the backward compatability checks while upload
- Descriptor fetch ability to download proto descriptor files
- Metadata provides metadata API to retrieve latest version number given a name and namespace
- Multiple backends support for multiple backend storage services (Local storage, Google cloud storage, S3, Azure blob storage and in-memory storage)
Explore the following resources to get started with Stencil:
- Documentation provides guidance on using stencil.
- Server provides details on getting started with stencil server.
- Clients provides reference to supported stencil clients.
For serving the protobuf descriptor set artifacts and their versions use a Stencil Server. This also helps to easily update the descriptor sets by allowing us to push Protobuf Descriptor sets directly.
The section avoids handling/recommending AUTH mechanism as it is left to the user. The samples below assume that basic Auth set up.
Attribute reference -
- stencil_repo - A set of protbuf definitions that will be bundled together in a descriptor set
- version - Artifact version promoted for production use
To push a new version of proto descriptor -
curl -u test:pasword -X PUT "" -T /path/to/protobuf/descriptor/set/file
To set version of latest promoted artifact -
curl -u test:password -X PUT "" -d value="0.0.5"
Use the script
in CI for uploading Protobuf descriptor sets -
# Should be set these as secrets in CI
export STENCIL_USERNAME=test-stencil-repo
export STENCIL_PASSWORD=test-password
./ 0.0.1 test-stencil-repo /path/to/protobuf/descriptor/set/file
Development of Stencil happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving stencil.
Read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to stencil.
To help you get your feet wet and get you familiar with our contribution process, we have a list of good first issues that contain bugs which have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started.
This project exists thanks to all the contributors.
Stencil is Apache 2.0 licensed.