
Machine Learning Classification&Regression Techniques are explained as assignments 1, 2 & 3

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Machine Learning Classification&Regression Techniques are explained as assignments 1, 2 & 3

Assignmnt 1: Take a dataset from UCI repository/Kaggle Dataset/Data.gov.in. Perform the following and submit in the form of report. i) Visualize the data with a) Scatter Plot and b) Histogram Analysis. Give your analysis. ii) Design prediction models using Linear and Logistic Regression

Assignment 2: find the following performance measures ; Accuracy, Recall and Precision for your dataset using three classifiers; Naive Bayes, KNN and SVM with python/R. Submit a report with followings contents a) Introduction of your dataset (Use the same dataset that you had written the research paper on) b) Brief introduction of all three classifiers c) A table depicting comparative analysis of all three classifiers d) Discussion and Analysis // Please note plagiarism check of the report shall be done so ensure originality in your work.

Assignment 3: what clustering techniques are capable of doing. a) Take your own dataset, apply k-means clustering algorithm with k=2, k=3, k=4, k=5. b) Study about k means ++ clustering technique and and try implementing it.