
library for mindustry add class unit snake

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It is a javaScript/js library customizable to create snake type units / work

prev Has Mindustry V7 sopport

version library 1.0


The library works correctly with the majority of the mods but the Betamind tubes can break the snake unit, as this happens, if the snake's head is inside a tube and save the map, the auto serpent will destroy

how report error or bug

so that your usses is valid you need to meet these steps

  1. version game
  2. version library
  3. send last log
  4. send crash log if crash game
  5. send code unit
  6. is sure that it is a version of the modified library
  7. Are you using the most recent version of the library

If you meet the steps indicated if error will be investigated and try to be fixed

do you have questions?

Publish an issue with your question when I have time to answer it, if you do spam it will be blocked or you can talking wirh me in discord


how use

download library.js and add file to scripts now require file to unit

const library = require("library");
// or "< folder >/library"

//now make unit

//snake are 2 types head and segment

//the head is the one that controls and creates the segments, the segments without head they destruct
 // the head have body and end
 //In the segment builder and the head is customizable to edit or add or cancel functions of the unit
 //the engine of segment is customizable with how many engineers or other things
 //The segments must be added the segmentai to work correctly
const endSnake = library.segment("nameUnitEnd", {
offsetSegment: 0,
//amount engines
engines: 0,
//size engine
engineSize: 0,
//angle offset engine
engineRotOffset: 0,
}, {
  //constructor unit
endSnake.defaultController = library.segemntAI;

const bodySnake = library.segment("nameUnitBody", {
  offsetSegment: 0,
  //amount engines
  engines: 0,
  //size engine
  engineSize: 0,
  //angle offset engine
  engineRotOffset: 0,
 }, {
   //constructor unit
bodySnake.defaultController = library.segemntAI;

//head the finger has parameters to control the length of the snake and assign the body and the end
const headSnake = library.head("nameUnit", {
//body and end
  body: bodySnake,
  end: endSnake,
  //length snake
  lengthSnake: 10
}, {});

//To create your snake you must use your head to create the, at the time of adding it to a unit factory or a reconstructor add the head not the segments