
The Atlas Package cloner. It manages an isolated workspace that contains projects and dependencies.

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The Atlas Package cloner. It manages an isolated workspace that contains projects and dependencies.


Upcoming Nim version 2.0 will ship with atlas. Building from source:

git clone https://github.com/nim-lang/atlas.git
cd atlas
nim c src/atlas.nim
# copy src/atlas[.exe] somewhere in your PATH


Read the full documentation or go through the following tutorial.


Create a new workspace. A workspace contains everything we need and can safely be deleted after this tutorial:

mkdir workspace
cd workspace
atlas init

Create a new project inside the workspace:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject

Tell Atlas we want to use the "malebolgia" library:

atlas use malebolgia

Now import malebolgia in your Nim code and run the compiler as usual:

echo "import malebolgia" >myproject.nim
nim c myproject.nim

Using URLs and local folders

atlas use https://github.com/zedeus/nitter
atlas use file://../../existingDepdency/


Sometimes it's helpful to understand what Atlas is doing. You can run commands with: atlas --verbosity:<trace|debug> to get more information.

Installing Nim with Atlas

atlas env 2.0.0
source $WORKSPACE/nim-2.0.0/activate.sh

Vendoring with Atlas

Atlas also supports vendoring using an "inverted workspace". The project layout is where the workspace is a top-level subfolder like vendor/ or deps/ in your project. Like this:


This is especially helpful for working with projects that have dependencies pinned as git submodules, which was common in the pre-Atlas era.