
Angular 2 component for jsoneditor

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple angular 2 wrapper for jsoneditor


Install with npm

npm install --save ng2-jsoneditor

Import the editor module

import { JSONEditorModule } from 'ng2-jsoneditor';

Include it in your root module

  imports: [
export default class AppModule {}

Add the component to the template

  <json-editor [options]="editorOptions" [data]="data"></json-editor >

Create a component to set options and call methods on the jsoneditor

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { JsonEditorComponent, JsonEditorOptions } from 'ng2-jsoneditor';

export class DetailComponent {
  public editorOptions: JsonEditorOptions;

  public data: any = {
  @ViewChild(JsonEditorComponent) editor: JsonEditorComponent;
  constructor(...) {
    this.editorOptions = new JsonEditorOptions();
  public setTreeMode() {

See jsonmodel's api docs for more detailed usage.

If you are building with webpack you also need to add this to your webpack config due to some warnings coming from ajv see #117.

plugins: [
  new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/regenerator|nodent|js-beautify/, /ajv/),