
Save/Load C# generics to/from Excel (XLSX) spreadsheets, easily

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Easily save/load from/to Excel (XLSX) documents using generics in C#

Writing to a file

// Write a list of items to an XLSX file
var things = new List<Thing>
	new Thing
		PropertyA = "Value 1",
		PropertyB = 1
	new Thing
		PropertyA = "Value 2",
		PropertyB = 2
var fileInfo = new FileInfo($"Output {DateTime.UtcNow:yyyyMMddTHHmmss}Z.xlsx");
using var workbook = new MagicSpreadsheet(fileInfo);

Reading from a file

// Read a list of items from an XLSX file
using var workbook = new MagicSpreadsheet(fileInfo);
// Use default worksheet
var cars = workbook.GetList<Car>();
// Use a different worksheet
var animals = workbook.GetList<Animal>("Animals");