Weekly Radio Programme API

Simple mechanism for keeping track of radio shows and avoid conflicts.


  • GET /health to just see if the application is up and running
  • GET /show to get all shows
  • GET /show/{id} to get a show with this specific integer id
  • POST /show to create a show
  • PUT /show/{id} to update a show
  • DELETE /show/{id} to delete a show

POST and PUT request body for a show should be like:

    "title": "another radio show",
    "weekday": "Sun",
    "timeslot": "14:00-16:00",
    "description": "best radio show ever baby"
  • Timeslot should have hh:mm-hh:mm format.
  • Weekday can have one of Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun values.
  • Title cannot have more than 100 characters.

How to run


Docker is a prerequisite

I assume that you have Docker installed. If not, check here.

Start Db

To start db, run:

make db-start

Please add a .env file which should have DB_PATH and PORT variables. If no PORT is chosen, 6000 is used by default.

.env file should look like


obviously the above vars change according to your configuration.

Run migrations

make migrate

and you'll see the corresponding message that migrations are made.

Run using Go

I assume that you have Go installed. If not, check here. Then run

go mod tidy
go run main.go