- 3
Crash when set containerWhitespace
#63 opened by maciek-s - 6
#65 opened by fanyafeng - 0
Provide LayoutDirection RTL support for alignment and containerWhitespace properties of all components
#66 opened by panpf - 3
#62 opened by 594happyboy - 3
Feature container white space
#59 opened by maciek-s - 2
Keeping up dependencies up to date
#57 opened by FunkyMuse - 1
- 1
- 1
The two-finger zoom gesture of the ZoomImageView series components requires sliding a long distance to trigger
#61 opened by panpf - 9
Retain zoom when high resolution image is loaded.
#58 opened by mega-ht - 1
- 2
- 14
Support Coil 3.0.0-rc01
#48 opened by FunkyMuse - 8
- 1
- 5
Crop feature
#53 opened by FunkyMuse - 9
#46 opened by ChannelMU - 5
#18 opened by hdinson - 3
使用GlideZoomImageView 加载部分gif会无法播放
#43 opened by yxiangTang - 2
- 4
#39 opened by everyline - 19
Image not aligned after orientation change
#41 opened by IacobIonut01 - 6
Support for zooming based on mouse pointer & scroll wheel for desktop platforms
#35 opened by starry-shivam - 1
Add keyboard zoom support
#42 opened by panpf - 13
Subsampling doesn't work for CoilAsyncZoomImage - RuntimeException: Canvas: trying to draw too large(308544000bytes) bitmap.
#40 opened by szczepanski-k - 13
- 0
The values returned by collect and value of ZoomableEngine's contentSizeState property are inconsistent
#37 opened by panpf - 5
Image not loading
#38 opened by andiosdev - 8
#32 opened by yxiangTang - 1
The coil and glide series components do not support models of type '/sdcard/sample.jpeg'
#34 opened by panpf - 1
- 12
SketchZoomAsync with Compose Multiplatform 1.7.0-alpha01 does not load any image(s)
#30 opened by kasem-sm - 6
使用Glide Rotate transform 旋转图片,双支缩放图像显示异常
#33 opened by yxiangTang - 8
- 18
Add support for iOS
#19 opened by hm-tamim - 12
CoilAsyncZoomImage子采样失败,The thumbnail aspect ratio is different with the original image
#22 opened by XDao7 - 1
- 4
有办法切换图片的时候 保持原本的缩放和移动吗?
#11 opened by leeManong - 6
GlideZoomImageViewFragment 封面图片放大 之后,能拿到放大之后的MATRIX 吗 ,这边需求就是,封面图放大之后,播放视频和封面图一样大,在同一个位置
#26 opened by LCliuchun - 1
Kotlin 版本太高了,有办法降级么
#25 opened by RuralDeer - 5
- 1
#23 opened by yxiangTang - 2
#21 opened by Lok1n8 - 1
- 3
使用CoilZoomImageView 加载图片时候会抛出异常 不过不影响使用 缩放等都正常
#17 opened by NeVaDaAAA - 9
佬,支持Java吗 ? 有些老项目是用java写的,不打算换kt了
#15 opened by ffdsss - 1
- 11
#14 opened by manitozhang - 3
#13 opened by manitozhang - 5
#12 opened by 594happyboy