
This app is based on Django REST Framework. It allows users to upload images, generate thumbnails and expiring link depends on their account tier.

Primary LanguagePython

Images API

This app is based on Django REST Framework. It allows users to upload images, generate thumbnails and expiring link depends on their account tier.


Main technologies used

  • Django and Django REST Framework
  • PostgreSQL
  • Celery
  • Redis
  • Pillow
  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • pytest

if you interested in details check requirements.txt file

Features implemented

  • available only for logged in users
  • users can upload images via HTTP
  • users can list their uploaded images
  • admin UI created via django-admin
  • admins can create custom account tiers with the following things configurable:
    • thumbnail size
    • presence of the link to original file
    • ability to create expiring link
  • three built-in account tiers:
    • users with Basic plan after uploading an image get:
      • a link to the thumbnail that's 200px height
    • users with Premium plan after uploading an image get:
      • a link to the thumbnail that's 200px height
      • a link to the thumbnail that's 400px height
      • a link to the original file
    • users with Enterprise plan after uploading an image get:
      • a link to the thumbnail that's 200px height
      • a link to the thumbnail that's 400px height
      • a link to the original file
      • the ability to generate a link to the uploaded image that expires after several seconds (user can specify any number between 300 and 30000 seconds) and download it
  • generated expiring link to download an image works for unauthorized users too
  • caching and distributed task queue

How to start project locally

The easiest way to start project locally is to run docker-compose.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Change directory to repo root folder
  3. Run docker-compose up --build
  4. Make databse migration: docker-compose exec backend python manage.py migrate
  5. Create superuser: docker-compose exec backend python manage.py createsuperuser
  6. Type admin username, email and password.
  7. Now you can visit: or localhost:8000/admin to log in to admin panel.