
QDime is a QoS-aware dynamic binary instrumentation tool.

Primary LanguageC++


QDime is a QoS-aware dynamic binary instrumentation tool that respects user-defined qaulity-of-service constraints during extraction of runtime information. QDime is a program analysis tool that reduces runtime overhead during instrumentation.


Download Pin instrumentation framework (https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/pintool-downloads)

How to use

  • Get familiar with Pin instrumentation framework (https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/pintool/)
  • Your working folder should include your pintool.cpp file and qdime.h
  • Copy Makefile and Makefile.rules from any pintool folder to your working folder
  • #include qdime.h in your pintool.cpp
  • In main(), call qdime_init()
  • In Fini(), call qdime_fini()
  • In ThreadStart(), call dime_thread_start(threadid)
  • In your instrumentation routine, call qdime_switch_version()
  • In your analysis routines, call qdime_start_time() and qdime_end_time()
  • To enable redundancy suppression, call qdime_compare_to_log() and qdime_modify_log() in your instrumentation routine
  • Check call_qdime.cpp for an example.


To compile

make obj-intel64/pintool.so
or make obj-ia32/pintool.so

To run pintool with qdime

pin -t obj-intel64/pintool.so -r <R> -th0 <T> -b <d> -ub <U> -p <P> -- app
such that:
-r <R> : redundancy suppression run number R (0 to disable)
-th0 <T> : threshold T
-b <D> : default budgetD in [0,100] for when the threshold cannot be met. The default value is d=0, meaning no instrumentation
-ub <U> : upper-bound U for the threshold. If supplied, U should be greater than T. Otherwise, the budget function without upper-bound will be used. The default value is U=0.
-p <P> : instrumentation period P in seconds. The default value is P = 1 second. Ideally, this should be the rate at which the QoS metrics are extracted.