These are the source files of the implementation of the Oxley's machining model using the LMFIT library in Python. This work is related to the PhD thesis of Maxime Dawoua Kaoutoing
Maxime. D. Kaoutoing, Contributions à la modélisation et la simulation de la coupe des métaux: vers un outil d'aide à la surveillance par apprentissage, PhD Thesis, Toulouse University, 2020
All code is in the
file, and execution of the code is done using the following command:
This computes the output values depending on the cutting conditions defined at the beginning of the Python file.
All graphs generated end included in this package can be generated by un-commenting all the piece of code located in the 3 sections numbered from 1 to 3 at the end of the main program.
- Section 1 : generates the graphs of the evolution of 1 internal parameter vs. another one
- Section 2 : Tests the unicity of the solution by running 15625 runs
- Section 3 : Sensivity study
All details concerning the implementation are reported in the above cited PhD thesis of Maxima Dawoua Kaoutoing, written in French.
Olivier Pantalé
Full Professor of Mechanics
email :
Laboratoire Génie de Production
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tarbes
Université de Toulouse
47 Avenue d'Azereix - BP 1629