
Premium theme for the hugo site builder. DEMO:

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Bilberry Hugo Theme

All Contributors GitHub version License Discord GitHub stars

This is a premium theme for HUGO, inspired by the Lingonberry WordPress theme from Anders NorΓ©n.

Bilberry is an adaption that comes with different optimizations and little features as listed below.
Click here for a DEMO / PREVIEW.

If you like this theme and/or use it for commercial purposes, please support me!

Table of Contents


Hugo version >= 0.53 required

Quick Start

  • Create a new hugo site
hugo new site my-new-blog
  • Install the latest version of this theme
cd my-new-blog/themes
git clone https://github.com/Lednerb/bilberry-hugo-theme.git

If you don't use git, you can download this theme HERE and extract it manually into the themes folder.
Please ensure that the folder is renamed to "bilberry-hugo-theme"

  • Copy example content and default config file for a quick start
cp -r bilberry-hugo-theme/exampleSite/* ../
  • Remove the default archetype
cd ../
rm archetypes/default.md
  • Test and configure your site
hugo server -D

Do NOT change the name of the theme folder.
If you rename the folder, the different post types will not work.

Also, check out this tutorial on how to build a Bilberry theme-based website using Hugo, GitHub, and Netlify.


To configure your site according to your needs, just open the config.toml file in your project folder and adjust the settings. All options you can and should customize are commented out, so it should be no problem for you to get it done.

Also, you can read this write-up on how to manage environment-specific settings for a Hugo-based website.


Algolia Search

Bilberry includes a convenient search functionality for your site. You can test it on the demo site. Just click on the navigation bar at the top right of the header.


If you do not want to use the search functionality set algolia_search = false in your config.toml file.

If you want to include the algolia search for your site, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Register for a free Algolia Search account at https://www.algolia.com/
  2. Add a New Application. You can choose the COMMUNITY plan.
  3. Switch over to Indices and create a new one.
  4. Switch over to API Keys and copy your Application ID, Search-Only API Key and chosen Index name to your config.toml file.
  5. Ensure that algolia_search = true is set.
  6. Check the next section Update the search index, follow the steps and come back again
  7. Go to the tab Configuration of your newly created indices, select the Facets in the section FILTERING AND FACETING and add the language attribute with the filter only modifier in the Attributes for faceting option. If, after adding the language attribute, the Unknown attribute error is shown, ignore it.
  8. Done.

Update the Search Index

You have to repeat this step every time you change a post or publish a new one to update the search index.

Execute the 'hugo' command in the site's root directory to publish your changes.

  • Manual Upload

    • Head over to the public/index.json file and copy everything in there.
    • Login to your Algolia account, open your index and click at Add records manually.
    • Paste the copied text from the index.json file.
    • Verify in the Browse tab of your index that the index records were uploaded correctly.
    • If case you have a multi-language setup, make sure that you repeat the steps above for all public/{LANG}/index.json files
  • Automated Upload

    • Prerequisites: installed Python 3 and Algolia API's Python client. The API Python client can be installed with the following command:
    pip install --upgrade 'algoliasearch>=2.0,<3.0'
    • Execute the algolia-index-upload.py from the site's root directory as follows:
    python3 algolia-index-upload.py -f public/index.json -a <algolia-app-id> -k <algolia-admin-api-key> -n <algolia-index-name>
    • The algolia-admin-api-key argument, namely your Algolia account's Admin API Key, is used to create, update, and delete indices, and it should be kept secret.
    • Login to your Algolia account and verify in the Browse tab of your index that the index records were uploaded correctly.
    • If case you have a multi-language setup, make sure that you repeat the steps above for all public/{LANG}/index.json files

Also, you can read this write-up on how to automate index upload to Algolia Search if you host your Bilberry theme-based website on Netlify.

Keyboard Shortcuts

If you want to start a search on your blog simply type s and the search menu will open.

To close it again you can enter esc at any time.

Post Types

Bilberry comes with a bunch of predefined post types. Available post types are article, audio, code, gallery, link, page, quote, status and video.

To use a post type, just create new content via the hugo command.
For example:

hugo new quote/edward-snowden-about-privacy.md

article is the default post type if you want to use another type of content as the predefined.

Just discover the entries from the exampleSite folder to get an overview of the great possibilities Bilberry provides ;-)

Pages and External Links

The post type page is the only one that appears in the top navigation (when you click on the navigation button on the top right). Pages can be ordered using the weight front matter variable, which should be set to a non-zero value. A page with a lower weight will be displayed first.

A page can be a static page (about me or impress site) or a link to another page as it is used in the demo to link to the Bilberry GitHub repository.

The post type link always links to an external site and can be used with or without a background image.

Reposting an Article / Duplicated Content [SEO]

If you want to repost an article from another website or have duplicated content on your own site, for SEO reasons it's a good practice to link to the original / canonical URL.

If you want to mark one of your content sites as duplicated content you can simply use the following front matter configuration option:

original_url: "https://example.org/path/to/content"

Further Information:

Overwrite the calculated reading time

If you want to overwrite the automatically calculated reading time for a post you can use the following front matter confguration option:

readingTime: 7 # integer for the amount of minutes

Summary Breaks

You can influence the summary output on the listing pages (such as the home page or the category or tag pages) in different ways:

  • You don't set a manual summary break.
    Hugo will care for you and generates a summary as well as a Continue reading link.

  • You set a manual break via <!--more-->
    Just write your content and if you want to break use the code snippet to tell Hugo to break here.

  • You want to display the full article without a Continue reading link
    In this case, set the option noSummary: true in the header area (Front Matter) of your .md file.

  • You can define a summary that differs from the first content lines
    Use the summary: "Here goes my summary" Front Matter variable.
    In this case no Continue reading link will be displayed.

Table of Contents(TOC)

To enable the automatic creation of a table of contents(TOC), set the toc front matter variable to true in your article. If the article's markdown contains appropriate headings, Hugo will generate a table of content at the beginning of the article.

By default, a TOC is generated if the content's word count is greater than 400. The tocMinWordCount parameter defines this value in the config.toml configuration file.

The headings that are taken into account for a TOC are from H2 (##) to H5 (#####) inclusive. Also, if you want to display a TOC at a specific point in your article, set the toc front matter variable to false, and use the toc shortcode like this:

{{< toc >}}

Series Taxonomy

In case you want to group some articles as a series, you have to add the series front matter variable to each article and set its value to the name of the series, for example, series: "My New Super Series".

The page at <site-base-url>/series/ will list all the series. To list all articles for a particular series within markdown, you can use the series shortcode with the series name in question, for instance:

{{< series "My New Super Series" >}}


Currently Commento and Disqus are supported.

Commento comments

If you want to enable the functionality for your users to write comments below your articles, you can either register account at commento.io or host Commento yourself.

To activate Commento in your blog you have to add the URL for the JS-snippet to commentoJsURL in your config.toml.


Snippet displayed in Commento:

<script defer src="http://localhost:8080/js/commento.js"></script>
<div id="commento"></div>

Your config.toml



    # Commento
    commentoJsURL = "http://localhost:8080/js/commento.js"

Disqus comments

If you want to enable the functionality for your users to write comments below your articles, you can register for a free Disqus account.

Just create a new site and copy your site's short name to the config.toml file at disqusShortname.

You can manage and moderate the comments either on your website or at the disqus management panel.

Responsive Design

Bilberry is optimized for desktop and mobile devices (tablets and smartphones).

Automatic Image Resizing

The bilberry theme handles image crops and resizes automatically by default. However, if you want to disable this functionality in general, you can set resizeImages: false in your config.toml file.

If you want to disable this functionality just on some posts, you can set resizeImages: false in your post's frontmatter settings.

Image Modal Zoom

When including an image that has larger dimensions than the content area, the image gets clickable and a bigger version will open in a lightbox.

Permanent Top Navigation

If you want to permanently display the top navigation with the algolia search bar and the page entries, you can set the permanentTopNav option to true in your site's config file.

Note that on mobile devices the navigation will still be collapsed because otherwise, the navigation menu hides the essential parts of your site.

MathJAX Markup

If you want to add MathJAX markup support, set parameter enable_mathjax option to true in your site's config file.

Disabled Javascript Support

Although this theme has a lot of features that only work with enabled javascript, it also fully supports disabled javascript. Disabling javascript will not break any styles or essential functionality on the site.

Just head over to the demo page, disable javascript in your browser and check the results!


The following video hosting providers are supported: YouTube, Vimeo, and Prezi. Videos in the MP4 format, either stored externally or within the site's static folder, are also supported. There are two options to display videos.

The first one is to use a post of the video type. Use the following command to create your video post:

hugo new video/<post-name>.md

Then set the corresponding front matter variable:

youtube: "<youtube-video-id>"            # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7IjJiZUutk -> "M7IjJiZUutk"
vimeo: "<vimeo-video-id>"                # https://vimeo.com/239830182 -> "239830182"
prezi: "<prezi-video-id"                 # https://prezi.com/v/5z9shnq7jzxs/what-to-study/ -> "5z9shnq7jzxs"
mp4video: "<video-file-url>"             # location of video file (only mp4) 
mp4videoImage: "<image-video-file-url>"  # location of poster image 

If the MP4 video and its image are stored in the static folder, you can set variables as follows:

mp4video: "/<video-file-name>.mp4"
mp4videoImage: "/<image-video-file-name>.png"

The second option is to use the video shortcode within markdown content in a post of the article type as follows:

<!-- YouTube -->
{{< video type="youtube" id="<youtube-video-id>" >}}

<!-- Vimeo -->
{{< video type="vimeo" id="<vimeo-video-id>" >}}

<!-- Prezi -->
{{< video type="prezi" id="<prezi-video-id>" >}}

<!-- MP4 external -->
{{< video type="mp4" url="<video-file-url>" imageUrl="<image-video-file-url>" >}}

<!-- MP4 in site's static folder -->
{{< video type="mp4" url="/<video-file-name>.mp4" imageUrl="/<image-video-file-name>.png" >}}


Using favicons nowadays is not a trivial thing. There are many different sizes and file types for the various mobile and desktop browsers and for the shortcuts for Android and iOS devices.

This theme makes it easy for you to include all needed files:

  1. Visit https://realfavicongenerator.net/ and generate your favicon according to your needs
  2. Copy & Paste the generated files into your /static folder
  3. Edit the /layouts/partials/favicon.html file and copy & paste the HTML code from the generated instruction

Important: You have to follow the Quick Start guideline or manually copy the /layouts/partials/favicon.html file from the theme to your site's /layouts directory. Otherwise the file is missing.

Custom 404 site

If you want to customize your 404 site, copy the themes/bilberry-hugo-theme/layouts/404.html to your local layouts/404.html and edit the file.

You can quickly change the message and / or the icon class for example. Otherwise, you can replace the whole content with your 404 site markup.

Custom Post Types

If you want to add a custom post type to change the icon in the bubble on the left column you can simply create those as you wish.

If you want to create a book post type, for example, you can do the following:

  1. Copy the default themes/bilberry-hugo-theme/layouts/partials/content-type/article.html to your site's layouts/partials/content-type/ folder.

  2. Rename the file to your custom post type. A proper name in the book scenario would be book.html

  3. Customize the file.
    You can change the icon in the bubble with another Font Awesome Icon.
    In the book scenario we would change the fa-pencil class to fa-book: <i class="fas fa-fw fa-book"></i>

  4. Create your new posts with the post type prefix: hugo new book/a-very-cool-book.md

  5. Done.

If you want to use custom Front Matter variables, create a book.md archetype in your archetypes/ directory.

You can find further information in the official HUGO docs.

External Images

If you want to use external images (on another server or installation, etc.) for the featuredImage or in the gallery post type, you can use them by specifying the following in the post's config within the frontmatter:


featuredImage: "https://example.org/images/my-image.jpg"


gallery: [

Customizing Individual Posts

Posts can be customized via a variety of options.

To exclude posts from appearing on your blog index, while still being displayed in categories, add excludeFromIndex: true to the post configuration.

If you'd like to pin one or several posts to the top of the index page, uncomment the pinnedPost param in config.toml. Then set its value to the post's relative URL, for example, /article/installing-bilberry-theme/. When pinning multiple posts, the relative URL values should be separated by a comma. The pinOnlyToFirstPage parameter allows you to choose whether to display pinned posts on the index page only or on all pages.

A custom icon can be declared per post, by specifying a font-awesome icon in the post configuration, such as icon: fa-thumb-tack for a pinned post.

If you want to change the default post types (e.g., don't use the pencil icon on the article or default type, but another one) copy the original file to your local layouts/partials/content-type/ directory and edit it there.
Otherwise, your changes would be overwritten when you update to the latest theme version.

Custom colors and fonts

Bilberry uses SCSS for styling and NPM with Laravel Mix for dependency management.

If you want to change any colors or fonts, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Install this theme to your themes directory
  2. cd themes/bilberry-hugo-theme
  3. npm install
  4. Modify the assets/sass/_variables.scss file to customize your colors.
    If you want to change the header's color just edit the $base-color variable
  5. Use npm run dev for development and preview purposes and npm run production when you finished the changes

CSS and JS modules

This theme supports hot-swappable CSS and JavaScript extensions. Modules can be specified using the (css|js)_modules list parameter. Modules can be specified either relative to the static directory (e.g. exampleSite/static/css/custom.css) or as a URL.

Modules are imported in the order they appear in the list, and immediately after the default Bilberry CSS and JS files are imported.

Adding a Cookie disclaimer

Depending on the type of website you are running with this theme you may also want to add a cookie consent information. The popular solution cookie consent can be integrated into the theme by loading the resources as external CSS and JS modules.

Use the configurator on the cookie consent website to generate the required initialization code and add it to a local static/init-cookieconsent.js file e.g.

// https://cookieconsent.insites.com/download/#
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
    'palette': {
      'popup': {
        'background': '#cc0033'
      'button': {
        'background': '#fff'

Then you only need to modify your config.toml to load the local init script and the libraries. You can either download the files and put them in your /static directory as well or reference them directly using a CDN. Serving the files with your website reduces external dependencies, increases privacy and makes sure your website can be developed in an offline environment as well.

css_modules = ["..", "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/3.1.0/cookieconsent.min.css"]
js_modules = ["..", "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/3.1.0/cookieconsent.min.js", "init-cookieconsent.js"]


This theme has support for multi-language sites and therefore translations for 10+ languages. If you want to contribute and improve this theme for all users, please check our translation project at POEditor

Feel free to submit a request for a new language or improve existing ones!


Bilberry is inspired by the WordPress theme Lingonberry, created by Anders NorΓ©n.

Bilberry is a theme for the great HUGO static site generator.

A big thank-you goes to @Ipstenu for his help in this thread that helped me to create the index.json for the algolia export.

Support and Discussions

If you enjoy this theme and want to stay up to date or just want to say thanks, have a look at this Discord Channel:



Many thanks go to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Sascha Brendel

πŸ’¬ πŸ“ πŸ’» 🎨 πŸ“– 🌍

Anna Brendel

πŸ€” 🌍

Givi Khojanashvili


Chung Tran Anh

πŸ’» 🌍

Minke Zhang


Pavel Kanyshev

πŸ’» 🌍

Marcel Kraus


Nick Busey




Chris Stayte


Dmitry Matrosov



πŸ’» πŸ›

Nina Zakharenko

πŸ’» πŸ› πŸ“–



Pablo Domingo Rojo


Rob Baruch






Marcelo Gonçalves


DΓ‘vid SΓ‘rkΓ‘ny




Hamza Yusuf Γ‡akΔ±r


Niclas Roßberger

πŸ’» πŸ› 🚧

Igor Baiborodine

πŸ’» πŸ› πŸ“–

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


The Bilberry Theme for HUGO is licensed under the MIT license.